Drawings for School Projects

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Hi guys, sorry for being gone for so long, like really long, I've been really busy with the school's schedules ever since offline school is a thing again, so i can only go back to wattpad to read some notifications, answer some messages and like, that's all about what i can do with the amount of limited time i have

I have some art that I've been drawing for my school project and some of them are a bit creepy ^^" (I mean, you know how my drawing skill are) 

I have some art that I've been drawing for my school project and some of them are a bit creepy ^^" (I mean, you know how my drawing skill are) 

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This is what i mention about creepy, i add to much color liquid yo Jason's eye and ended up making it creepy, okay so.. 

The one on the left is Blake Underwood

The one in the center is Jason Alit

And finally, the one on the right is Chroma (i wish i could have made it better)

And i was planning to put a few drawings here, but an error occurred for some reason when i tried to put another drawing, so i can only one at a time i think (but the thing is i can definitely do that with my other books, so i'm not quite what might be the reason for the error

And the character you see above the chapter is the model for the guy in the middle, i tried to draw him but,... you see how it ended up = - =

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