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Despite my initial commitment to make a difference, I find myself in a situation where my ability to enact change is limited.

My mother, in a sing-song tone, urged me, "Well, stay there and don't cause any trouble, okaaay~???"

The backdrop to this whimsical directive is the expansive facility that houses my mother's research.

A colossal building with numerous underground levels, it encompasses a range of spaces, including the upper floors dedicated to a cafeteria, meeting rooms, a library, and other areas I have yet to explore.

My request to accompany her to the lab has led to my current predicament of being confined within the library in the ground floor.

Oh well... just my kid brain working.


It's fine, I have at least a few more years...

If memory serves me right, Mom dedicates six hours daily, often extending into overtime to complete her research. However, today, with my unexpected presence, she wrapped up early, ready to accompany me home.

With some time remaining in the day, I strolled through the room adorned with shelves of books, scanning for something captivating.

My gaze fixed upon a particular book, and I plucked it from its place. Contemplating the idea of spending my free time before Mom's return, I found myself holding a physics book-certainly not the typical interest for a middle schooler like me.

Having traversed into another realm and undergone 180 cycles of existence within it, the physics concepts outlined in this book take on a radically different hue.

Unlike the familiar notions of energies, a new term surfaces: "Magicules." Astonishingly, even after severance from the cardinal world, I discover an enduring ability to sense and generate these power.

Magicules, forged by the dormant spiritrons in this world, ceased their natural release into the air with the lingering slumber of spirits. Yet, an anomaly persists-I can harness these magical energies solely from within my own body. Exhibiting properties akin to light, they embody the dual nature of matter and wave, setting them apart from mundane mana.

Distinguishing themselves further, magicules carry a minuscule but distinct will within. This will manifests when a substantial amount of mana resonates harmoniously, granting objects a nascent sentience that strengthens over time. Artifacts of Genesis, mythology, and legendary class are deemed fully sentient in this enchanting realm.

Caution accompanies the allure of magicules, as their potent radiation poses a perilous threat to non-resistant humans, leading to the risk of magicules poisoning. Amidst it all, my core heart remains resolute-a human heart brimming with magicules. In this very moment, I embody what one would aptly term a Majin (Magic born).

Fundamentally, magic also stems from the consumption of energy-a concept rooted in the basics of physics.

E = mc²

In nuclear reactions, a small amount of mass is converted into a significant amount of energy. The most iconic example is nuclear fission in power plants.

When an atomic nucleus, such as uranium-235, undergoes fission, it splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing energy in the process. The mass of the resulting nuclei is slightly less than the original uranium nucleus. The missing mass is converted into energy according to E = mc². This released energy is what we harness for electricity generation in nuclear power plants.

In this way, a small amount of mass is transformed into a large amount of energy, demonstrating the practical application of Einstein's mass-energy equivalence principle in our energy production technologies.

The same concept was done with magicules with the utilization of nuclear magic.

But in the end, wont there be a way to reverse the effect?


"Yuu-kun~~~ How have you been?" After a lengthy 6 and a half hours, my mom finally returned to the library.

"You're really taking your time," I grumbled.

"Haha, were you buried in your studies? If you're hungry, let's eat!" She held two lunch boxes, offering a warm smile as she surveyed the multitude of books scattered across the table. Surprisingly, the library was deserted - no one to keep an eye on things.

As she placed the lunch boxes down, I inquired, "Wasn't there anyone to look after this place?"

"Un?" She looked at me wide-eyed before responding, "Well, this place only has the essentials and common books. We can't afford extra staff when we already have CCTV. Plus..." She gestured toward what seemed like an ID card hanging from her chest. "The doors are electric; you need one of these to get in."

Uwah... does that mean Mom intended to keep me confined here from the beginning?

"Oh, Yuu-kun, you'd always find trouble if I let you roam free~~" Mom declared with a smile.

"Ah, izzat so?" I grumbled as i took the chopsticks and bento mom set on the table.

As I took a bite of the karaage with my chopsticks, i realized mom had a look on my scribles on the piece of paper next to the mountain of books.

At first i didnt pay any mind to it, but after finishing my food, i noticed the change in my mom's expression...

"Y-yuu...-kun, what is this?" She asked.

"Eh? I was... studying?" Something is weird, as i mumbled that,I take notice of moms face. Wide eyes, narrowed pupils, and openned mouth, as if she couldnt belive whats infront of her is right now.

She began to mumble to herself, "The result... it matches but... the mass equivalence wouldn't be... Yuu-kun, you're..."

Ah, now it makes sense. That piece of paper contained the result of my attempt to reverse the formula of E = mc². If she read it, at best, she would dismiss it as a child's scribble, but the one scrutinizing it now is my mom.

"Is that even possible?! No, if something like this matches, that means...."

As we know, we can transform a small amount of mass into a large amount of energy, but how do you reverse it?

It's conceivable—imagine turning electricity into solid uranium... or maybe... magicules. It would require a massive amount of energy, but if there's a way to convert stored energy back into solid mass...

No, that shouldn't be my primary concern right now. If Mom figures out how to implement this theory into real life, then this shouldn't be my biggest worry. If, with this theory, she manages to discover what's called "Magicules," then the eyes of the entire world will be on her...

"I-it's just some scribbles, Mom. I wasn't really studying. You know me, right? Too carefree for my own good." I delivered that line with a dry smile. It's best to keep a low profile if I want the future to unfold predictably as I desire...

", y-yeah... It's just... let me borrow this for a bit. Okay?" Her expression was hard to decipher—was it anger, frustration, or perhaps fear? She brushed it off with a pained smile that strangely captured my attention.

Ah... I messed up, She might use it in her research.


may not end well.


To be continued

Tensura: Yuuki KagurazakaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang