6. Tawkami

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The Tawkami clan welcomed us in respectfully, Miles not so much. People from my childhood recognised me, having white stripes and blue eyes really gave it away, and I recognised them. Even the elders, they remembered me.

Miles took a day inside to recover, he was still badly wounded, but after a day he was sprightly and very eager to just leave. But I refused, we would set along as soon as Miles had healed properly and when Stri'Wey responded to my calls. When she is flying again, she would come to me.

Instead of leaving, I take Miles out on journeys around one of the many villages. He finds it disinteresting. But as I speak highly of it all he listens intently, his ears always perking up at my words. Hes intruiged by my past with the clan, asking me nearly everyday where my clan was. I never answered as he never needed to know.

"Nari." I state, we were sitting beside a river on a large log. Sitting opposite eachother. "Navi." Miles repeats shortly, he wasn't even trying. I drop my hands from my ears. "Nari." I growl impatiently. "Narri?" Miles tries, I tut and smack the side of his head. Making his ears flick back. "Fool." I mutter in mother tongue. I've been trying too teach him the Na'vi language for the past few days. "Try again. Nari!"

Lately hes been testing my patience. Hes bad and he doesn't get it right in the first, second, or even third attempt. "Nari?" I sigh softly, noding shortly. "Good enough, moron." I mutter. He furrows his eyebrows. "Skxahng? Whats that?" He asks confused. I scoff. "Means moron, Miles." I reply.

His ears move back as he frowns playfully. "Moron?" He sighs teasingly, moving off the log to stand and move slowly. "Mean words, dalin'. Think I'll let you off with nothing?"

Just as hes finished I'm whipped from sitting. Miles' arms grip around my waist and hoist me in the air with a yelp. Suddenly I'm emerged in warm water. Arms slipping from my body to let me sink.

Immidiately I surface. Spitting the water from my mouth as I stand straight. Sand against my feet, moving up at the disturbance. "Thats payback baby." He grins sharkily. I roll my eyes and strech a hand out. He takes it to help me, but as soon as he does I drag him forward after me. Emerging myself to push his back against the sand with a smile.

Hes grinning aswell. My hands holding his shoulders, his knees knocking my stomach and my legs floating too the surface. Miles' back is pressed against the sand. And as it starts calming I see the soft and playful look in his eye. I flash him my canines and hook my fingers over the neck jewellery I made for him prior days before. Bringing him inches from my playful face. His grin slips for a second as a lost look plays in his large yellow eyes.

With one last push, bubbles rise from Miles' mouth before we both surface. I'm laughing. Miles' ears are drawn back, he doesn't like getting wet obviously. "Seriously?" He chuckles as he rises to sit onto the grass bank. I wade over. "You threw me in." I retort standing close too his split open legs. He rolls his large eyes teasingly. "Well darlin', you did start it." His finger hooks under my chin to bring my head up. I grin cheekily before moving back and lifting myself up.

Once I straighten my back I hold my hand out. He eyes me suspisiously. "I won't push you in this time." I reasure. He only shrugs before taking my hand and standing. I pick up my new bow and tighten it over my shoulders.

"Whats next?" Miles asks as I drop my hands from my eyes. I move my hand too the other. He hums, racking his brain. "Hand." I remind. We walk through the forest towards the Tawkami village. He repeats lowly. Wasn't perfect but it'll do. I nod shortly.

We end up in the village where we head too the hut first. Dropping everything off before sitting down to start a fire. Since we got too the village the days had been moderately cold, especially night. And it was early evening. I would head out soon to hunt.

Miles crouches down and helps me collect dry wood together. He doesn't speak but his ears and tail tell a story itself. He looked agitated. "What is it?" I ask eventually, bashing and sliding two rocks together. He looks up at me. "Nothing." He replies. I nod as I stand, picking up my bow and sheathing my blade to my hip.

Just as I move too the door Miles steps infront of me. Arms crossed. I blink up at him. "Yes?" I mumble expectantly. He tuts at me. "Take me with you." He states, making me chuckle at his demand. I place my hand on his non-harmed shoulder and push softly. But he doesn't budge. "Your hurt, you need recovery." I state, crossing my arms aswell.

"I won't hold you back. You won't know I'm there. I'll watch your six and keep you safe." He reasures quietly, his ears drawn back at his tone. "I've got Nei'le to do that for me." I reply, huffing at his lack of movement. He flashes his fang canines frustrated, his tail swishing behind him. "Well, I don't like the look of that guy." He mutters.

Thats when I realise, making my eyes widen and tail flick. Dropping my arms from crossed. "Your jealous?" I demand, moving slightly forward. He doesn't respond. "Just take me with you." He manages, moving his gaze.

I only shrug. "But I insist you stay, to recover and heal." I place my hand on his forearm carefully. He sighs but shakes his head. He's hellbent on coming on a hunt. "Fine, but stay low." I give in annoyed. He flashes me a grin and takes my hand. Dragging me out and towards the forest. I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

Nei'le joins us just as we get too the edge. He grins at me then gives Miles a slightly dirty look. Miles only returns it with a wink and a sly smirk. Knowing he got me before Nei'le could. I grip Miles' hand tightly and pull him into the forest.

The forest glows with bioluminecent plants. I crouch down not long after, feeling the soil as a hexapede track comes into view. "Fresh. Fresh." I say twice, in mothers tongue and English for them both to understand. They both nod shortly. The smallest noise makes me turnmy head sharply. "Down." I hiss quietly. Miles doesn't know what I said but gets the message.

They both crouch as we move towards the bush. I quirk a smirk when I see a herd of Hexapedes. I look at Miles and knock my head to the side. He rolls his eyes playfully and grins.

I draw my bow as Nei'le watches. His hand presses the bottom of my elbow, slowly raising and tensing the bow. My eyes never leave the directed hexapede. Though I can hear Miles' heavy breathing, if he gets louder he'll blow our cover. With a sharp tut he holds his breath. Now focused I release the arrow. It flies forward and pierces through the animals body.

The rest of the herd sprint off spooked. I straighten myself and rush too the creature. Unsheathing my knife but its already dead. I pierced its heart. I smack the side of my head harshly before sheathing the blade. Pulling the arrow from its body. "I see you brother, and I thank you. Your soul goes too Eywa and your body stays behind to be one of the people." I state calmly, carefully. Then pull the body up.

"Nei'le, moron, you should've taken your bow to one." I snap teasingly. He shrugs. "Oh, well, guess I'll have better luck next time." He grins playfully, placing his hand on my shoulder. But swiftly drops it as Miles gives him a harsh and dirty look. "I will see you in the morning."  I sigh, motioning for the smug Miles to move back. Nei'le waves back.

Miles looks like a moron with his victory smirk. "Moron." I mutter, making him look over and frown. "What? What've I done?" I only tut in response. He huffs as we return too the glowing fire.

Eywa, give me strength with this man.


Grr, i want more action but we'll get there eventually

we got some jealous Miles already
aren't u guys lucky

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