14. Courtyard

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I've been in Hell's Base for a few days. It had gotten relatively boring. The only fun thing was exploring, but I could barely do that. Miles was always busy and when he wasn't, he was resting for the next thing he was going to do. I couldn't be seen alone anyway. I was given an 'orange light' by somebody called General Ardmore. Meaning I had to be seen with one of the 'reconbinants' or 'authorised staff.'

Almost anywhere I went had cameras. Except for Miles' room. I didn't like the thought of being watched. So I spent a lot of time in Miles' room. I stopped going into their food hall the day after I got here. It was too busy, too loud, too crowded, for me. Their food was no good either. Gave me no neutrients or filling. Their 'Earth fruit' were small and barely did anything for me. So for the past few days Miles has been bringing me food. Which I've refused to eat. It smelt and looked disgusting. 'Prison food'.

I learnt a few of the names of the 'Reconbinants'. I wouldn't say befriended but I know their names.

Lyle Wainfleet. He was bald and confident. He talked quickly with a sort of slang. Zdinarsk. She was one of the two women who were apart of the 'squad.' She was relatively nice towards me. She said nothing mean, didn't pry or sneak. She gave me a quick and small smile when we passed in the hallways. Walker was the other female. She didn't speak to me, didn't smile or acknoledge me. But not in a rude way apparently. She looked like she was in her own world. And lastly Mansk. He usually wore sunglasses for some reason.

All of them had strange shortened to shaved hair. Zdinarsk had the sides of her hair shaved. Mansk buzzed hair, not bald though. And Walker had her hair in tight braids along her scalp. Lyle just had his hair shaved and his braid coming from the back of his head.

They all had five fingers, and I'm guessing because I haven't seen, five toes. Their eyes were smaller than mine. Meaning they weren't true Na'vi. Demons, Avatars, Reconbinants.

So, we're all caught up.

"Darlin', you need to eat." Miles sighs as he dresses himself. I mumble to myself in Mother Tongue quietly as I sit up. "I'm not hungry." I sigh, forcing myself to stand and start dressing myself in the mirror. Slowly dragging my shirt over my sports bra Miles had me wear. He told me the females wore them. So, not to already stand out, I use them aswell. Its a little tight, restricting. But I don't complain.

Miles' hands slip around my waist, holding my hips loosely. "Can you help me with this?" I ask as I fiddle with the belt. Miles rests his chin on my shoulder. Meeting my eyes in the mirror as his hands start buckling the belt as he doesn't look. "Come on, you know you need to eat." He sighs, pressing a soft kiss to my neck as he taps my hips. Indicating he was done with the belt.

I don't respond, only dropping my shirt. It stops just at my hips. I miss my old attire. I huff to myself as I look in the mirror. And theres a flash of unrecognision before seeing myself. And that half a second of not knowing who I was startles me. It was almost as if looking at a stranger. I put my hand to the cold glass of the mirror. Then sigh, turning and pacing around the room restlessly.

"What do you want to do, you can't keep yourself holed up like this." Miles steps infront of me in an attempt to stop me. I walk around him. Until he grabs my shoulders and pulls me back. Holding me in his arms tightly. "Talk to me." He whispers against my ear.

"I want to go outside." I state, leaning against him, feeling myself relax in his embrace. "Why didn't you say so?" He asks quietly, pressing a calming kiss against the side of my face. I shrug softly. Leaning further into him before standing straight. "Well, I'll take you outside around mid-day. That ok?" He asks, releasing me from his arms.

I nod, what else was there to do? "Thanks." I smile, he smiles back. Placing one of his hands on the back of my neck and leaning forward, pressing his lips to my forehead. "Alright, I'll be back soon baby." He promises as he presses his forehead against mine. I nod shortly.

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