22. The End

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It all went by so fast. I was now a few week pregnant, I had gotten weaker and more vulnerable. But I managed, like I always do. It wasn't easy being on my own because I miss Miles so much that it sometimes hurts. But I cling onto the idea and hope that he will come to me or I'll find him, then we can be together. Start a family, make a home for ourselves.

Payiway was protective as ever over me. She seem to have sensed my pregnancy and now she won't let me out of her sights. Hell, she even goes hunting with me. But its nice having someone always there for me.

The day was peaceful. It was the morning so it was between cold and warm, my favourite time of day because everything starts. But this day would be one to remember.

A Na'vi scout rushed out from the bushes, breathless and fearful. And they ran straight to Tsahik's and Olo'eyktan hut, ignoring anybody who stops to stare at them. I watch from a distance from my hut. They talk loudly, almost shouting, as they don't realise the volume of their words. I was too far to hear though, but I could hear incoherant words.

Curiousity got the better of me and I walk over. Payiway close at my hip. And we get closer. Some others did aswell, curiousity I suppose, and what we heard concerns us all.

"SkyPeople! A lot of them, coming!" The scout says in a rushed voice. We all startle at that. "Are you certain?" Olo'ektan demands, looking over at the people. The scout nods vigourosly. Payiway was growling lowly beside me, her sensors on her muzzle raised. She could smell them. They were close. "Warriors! Get your weapons, we defend our land and our people!" Olo'eyktan shouts.

There was a mighty cry from the people. War cries. One I'm familiar with. I turn and walk back to my hut quickly, taking my bow and arrow satchel. Putting the bow over my shoulders to tighten around my torso comfortably and threading the satchel too my loin cloth, aswell as attaching the two daggers too my hips.

Payiway was with her pups as I leave the hut. But stops when she sees me and my bow, fresh war paint applied too my face and torso. She growls at her pups and they yap at her, but then go into the hut for safety. She lowers her body down to me and I climb onto her back, connecting Tsaheylu quickly and riding her towards the war party that has formed by Tsahik and Olo'eyktan's hut. Joining them.

Tsahik, Loa, stops me, placing a hand on my arm. "Are you certain you want to join? You are vulnerable, with child." She says and I only nod shortly in response. "I can't lose another home too the Skypeople." I state firmly in response. She eventually nods though its uncertain but she isn't stopping me from going. "I will protect the people with my life if I have too."

Then we're off. A few warriors on Ikrans and the rest on Direhorses. The head of the party, Nei'le, was infront. And I rode beside him. We were using the scout's coordinates as an advantage point. Sneaking silently around the area they told us the Skypeople were coming from.

Soon enough we spot them. It was hard to miss. They were a lot of them, in mech-suits and helicopters and ones on the ground with guns. A helicopter had landed and more were leaving it.

We were starting with a surprise attack. Nei'le told everyone to draw their bows, take aim, and on his command take them out before we charged. I did as told, holding the bow tightly in my hands. None of them looked familiar to me. The ground team raises their bows aswell. Each taking a single target to aim at.

Nei'le waits for a few seconds, before dropping his hand. And instantly, a wave of arrows are sent towards the Skypeople. Taking out so many efficiently. And with loud war cry, we charge.

Payiway was fast, she was taking the lead. Launching herself at one of the mech-suits as I draw back my bow. Releasing the arrow at the human inside and killing it instantly. She yowls fearlessly at the dead human and charges at another. We were efficient and quick as a team. But the war party behind us? We were unstoppable.

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