pilot (part 1)

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"Were the pogues and our mission this summer, is to have a good time all the time"

"the Outer Banks, Paradise on earth. It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island."

It was morning and I was woken up by John B walking in on JJ macking on some touron. "Dude! Come on man, get outta here."  JJ scolded.
He walked into the living room "Morning trix, morning kie" I turned around looking at Kiara. We slept on the couch together since all the rooms were taken. We do it quite often since were best friends and all.
"morning" I answered. Kie was still asleep and I didn't wan't to wake her, so I got up and walked outside, following John B who just left too. Pope was laying on the couch outside and we did our handshake when we saw him. "Morning Pope"
"Mhm" he anwered
Me and John B went to sit on the hammocks. We didn't really talk, we just enjoyed eachother's company.  I always loved John B for letting me stay at his house whenever I wanted. He understood how lonely it could get sometimes.

His dad went missing 9 months ago and I could see how hard it was for him, living on his own.


We sat in the hammocks as I stared out into the marsh. I looked at trixie who was already looking at me, I smiled at her and she smiled back. It's been hard with my dad missing and I think trixie is the one who was there for me the most in the past couple of months. Her entire family was gone, so the could really relate to the situation of missing someone you love. But I truly don't think my dad is gone, even if no one else believes.



"Huricane Agatha contineus it's steady march towards kildare island on the outerbanks of North Carolina...."

"Holy shit" John b stated.  We walked out of the shack and I saw him grab his phone to call someone. I knew everything about his fostercare situation, so when he said he needed to reschedule something, I immediatly knew what it was about.
"I think imma sleep at home tonight" I said. I didn't really want to be at the chateau during this type of weather.
"sure, I'll drop you off"

I was back at home getting the boat ready for the upcoming rough night.
Ngl I was kinda scared of being alone during the storm, but I knew JJ was already staying at John B's and I for sure was NOT going to sleep on the couch again.
Once it was nighttime I just went to bed early, hoping the storm wouldn't do too much damage.



It was like 9 in the morning when John B woke up by drops of water hitting his face. He got up and checked his phone, seeing the was no service. He hit the light switch "No power. Great"
"Yo JJ, you been outside?" He asked
"I Have polio bro, I can't walk." JJ muttered, still half asleep.

John B walked outside checking the damage the storm did. "oh mannnn, Thats not good" he said, looking at the fallen tree next to his house.
He went over to the HMS Pogue and started clearing the sticks out of it.

"Agatha did some work huh?" jj said
"yeah she did"

JJ was drinking a beer and burped leaving John B completely unfased since he was used to it by now.

"what you thinkin?" JJ asked
"I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze, All those drum are gonna chase the crab"

"what about the DCS, wasn't that today?"
"Nah, they're not gettin on a ferry"

"come on, think about it. Its god telling us to fish"



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