Pilot (part 2)

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We were on our way back to the chateau when Kie said that we should report the wreck to the coast gaurd. So we changed our course.
The entire way I couldn't stop thinking about John B being so careless. I don't think he takes things like that serious enough. So I decided I would talk to him about it sometime when we were alone.


We arrived at the coast gaurd and tied the boat to the dock. We got out and headed over to where a big group of people were shouting at eachother. JJ and John B walked in as me, Kie and Pope waited outside.
"how much do you think the finders fee will be?" Pope asked us. And before we could even answer his question, John B and JJ already came back.

"Well, that went well." John B said sarcastically. "So, what's the plan?" JJ asked.
"I think I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat."  John B answered, holding up the motel room key.
"No no no we don't know whose room that is" Pope said "It could anyone's." I answered.

"Im in" JJ said.
"Come onnnn, I'll be lookout" Kiara said, trying to get me and Pope to join.
"Atleast you'll only be an accomplice" John B added, walking past us. "Come bubba" He jokingly said to me. I gave him an unamused look.


We were back in the boat getting close to the motel. "This place is a shitshow" John B stated. "Motel or meth lab?" I added. 
We got to land and JJ jumped off the boat and tied it. "This is your captain speaking, HMS pogue comin in for landing" He said with a statiky voice like it came from a walkie talkie.
"We good?" John B asked "yeah, we good" He answered. "Alright, here goes nothing."  John B jumped off joining JJ.
Pope gave us a skeptical look. "hey, don't let him do anything stupid" he said, Looking at him while pointing at JJ. "Oh we will" JJ answered.
"No promises" John B continued. "yeah yeah I know"

I got up and walked to the edge of the boat, standing near John B. "Hey, just... yk?... be carefull.... I mean it"  "yeah.. yeah." He answered, chuckeling to himself.
JJ gave him a confused / dirty look when he walked past him. He looked at me with a questioning look. I shrugged and sat back down as the two left.

Pope an Kiara started talking about pet peeves or smt. I just stared out at the water.
I turned around at the sound of a car parking nearby. "Hey guys cops!" I whisper yelled.  "shit" Kiara stated.
"call them" said Pope. "I can't, towers are down"
"If I lose my merit scholarship, I'm gonna kill someone." We stepped off the boat hoping they wouldn't see us. "Maybe they're not going up there, maybe they're just...just looking for a roo-" He started, but was cut off by Kie. "They're pointing, he's pointing" She said with a highpitched voice "they're going up".

We rushed over to stand under the window of the room John B and JJ were in. "Okay, do something" Kie said. "yeah alright stand back" Pope said, grabbing one of the rocks on the ground. He tried to throw it against the window, but it embarresingly didn't even reach high enough. "Didn't you ever play baseball" Kie said looking angry. "I was on the math team" Pope said in defence. I grabbed another rock and threw it too. It immediatly hit the window. We saw John B open the blinds with a confused look. We jumped up and pointing to the door. "COPS COPS COPS!" we whisper yelled.
When the cops came near we immediatly ran back to the Pogue.  "Should we peel?" Kie asked. "You never leave a pogue behind" Pope answered.
When we saw the cops enter the room, repeated "No seriously, should we peel". With a concerned look on my face I answered "maybe".

I looked back up to the window and saw JJ and JB standing onn the ledge pushed against the wall next to the window. John B made a hushing gesture, making us talk quieter.
After like 2 min, JJ dropped something which cause a loud bang. Our eyes widened knowing that the cops must have heard it. John B and JJ pushed them selves against the wall, hoping if they looked out the window they wouldn't see them. The cop pulled open the blinds making us change our position, so he wouldn't see us staring. "yeah um..." Kiara started. After about 5 more min, we saw the cops leave the room.


The boys made it out and we were back on the boat again. "Did you guys find anything?" I asked. "Did we find anything...?" JJ said sarcastically, holding up a gun and a wad of cash. "WHAT THE HELL" Pope said angrily. "Dude what" Kie said.

"Dude chill come on" JJ replied "WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THAT FROM A CRIME SCENE" Pope continued.

I looked over at John B. "Are you serious?" He turned his head to look at me with a smile on his face, which he quickly changed when he saw my dissapointed one.

"I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship" Pope said, stressed about his scholarship he had been working on his entire life, and was probably one of the only chances he had to get a good education, since he parents couldn't afford it. 
"Hey hey hey.  sh sh sh sh sh. Atleast you have us right" JJ said, holding the gun against pope's lips, shushing him.  "I'm living the nightmare"


We met up with some friends and just sat around. "Scooter? SCOOTER! oh god" a lady said while crying. We looked over seeing a woman standing over a man's body thtat was being taken away.
"who's that?" John B asked. "It's Scooter Grubbs." our friend answered. "He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got." She showed her phone to us as we looked over, seeing the most disgusting picture ever.
"dead bodyyy" she continued. "holy shit"

"What kind of boat did he have?" JJ asked. "Somehow that dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady-White. Everyone's out looking for it" she answered.
We gave eachother a look, knowing that we already did.



Heyy guys! If u are reading this please don't forget to vote and comment :)

IK it's a short chapter but the next one will be longer. I promise!!

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