Chapter 13: Their Forbidden Love.

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Sunday, Jun 5th, 1956
New York City, New York
Location..561 Park Avenue, New York's Flats
"I love you too and it scares me. But, it's a wonderful thing." -?

              "Hey." Martha said. I turned around, leaving the door open, "Yes?" "If you need anything, I'm a phone call away." Sydney nodded, "That's right."         I smiled at both of them, "I'll give you a call. Promise."           I opened the door and let myself in.

I took off my heels, popping them off as soon as I stepped inside. My feet touched the cold wooden floor and I sighed a sigh of relief.         I took off my gloves and threw them on the kitchen counter.

Before I took my hair down, I heard a knock. I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself. I swung the door halfway open, "Martha, I said I'll give you a call-" My eyes met with his.           His beautiful hazy green eyes.           There he was, standing with his suit and hat; Mr. Travis himself.            My eyes fluttered when I saw him, me stumbling a bit when I looked at him.

           He gave me a soft smile, taking off his hat. "May I come in?" He asked, without thinking, I nodded opening the door.             He came in, taking his shoes off at the door.            I closed the door with my back, almost not being able to take my eyes off of him.

He looked around, taking a breath, and turned back to me. "Marilynn, I'm deeply sorry about-"   ~WHACK~              My hand was stinging by my side and Travis holding his face, "You're married?!" I cried after the slap.              He took a moment to look back in my eyes, his hand still on his face. "What?" "You're married. You're a married man, coming towards me at night." "But-" "I can't believe you! How could you hide this from me?!" "But, Marilynn! You already knew that I'm married."

I paused, "What..?" I whispered under my breath. "The woman," he paused, "The woman that approached you tonight was my wife." My eyes darted towards his.            My breath escaping from my lungs. He was there tonight? I couldn't help but feel guilty. I feel sorry for whoever this woman was.       I know what it's like to be her, to be the damsel in distress; but in this life, I'm the other woman.                How could Marilynn be okay with this?           She... I'm ruining this happy marriage and I don't even care? That woman has every right to be angry with me.

              When Jeremy cheated, God, I was mad at everyone, everything. I wanted to hurt anything that came my way. God knows what's going through her head right now.          She's hurt and the last thing she needs is me seeing her husband.

             Travis removed his hand from his face and grabbed mine. He looked deep in my eyes and said, "I'm so sorry, my love. I don't know what came over her and I' with her-" I blinked, "Deal with her? How so?" He clicked his tongue, looking down.

"I'm not sure, yet. But, Marilynn all I know is when I saw you..dancing and smiling. God, it made my heart patter and tap.        Nothing could every describe what I feel when I see you, Marilynn." I sighed, looking away.           His words were sharp and soft, but they're not what I need to hear anymore.             I can't get this whole marriage thing wrapped around my head.

               I shook my head about to testify, but he cut me off before I could even get a word out. "Please, let me make it up to you tonight. Let me stay with you, Marilynn.           You and only you. That's all I ever want, at last,"he chuckled.            He kissed my hand, bringing me in. "Let me get you something to drink, my love. Go on and sit down for me."

Crossing my arms bitterly, I moped my way over to the couch, pulling my white dress out of the way. Travis came trailing towards me, he handed me a Mai Tai.             We clinked our glasses together, smiling at each other.            I took one big sip of mine, leaving a bit of the drink on the corner of my mouth.               Travis noticed it, without a word, he took his thumb and wiped it off. My heart fluttered, staring into his green eyes.    "Thank you.." I whispered.

Time has past and I noticed, my eyes grew heavy as I tried to stay up. "Wow.." I whispered, "Tonight really..must've worn me out." Travis nodded, he rushed to my side and put his hands on my shoulders, slowly massaging it.         It felt great but it made me even sleepier.

                Eventually he made his way to my legs, slowly massaging my feet, "You've had a long night, my love. And.." Travis paused, his voice shaky. "I'm incredibly sorry, Marilynn."        My memory hazed but I said, "What for..?" I asked, sweat dripping down my face.         My body was warm and my eyes were watery.                 My insides felt warm but I just remember shivering all over. My mouth was dry; eyes, lips, and cheeks moist though.            I couldn't quite grasp why I was feeling this way but I know it can't be anything too serious.

His grip was firm on my feet and he was really putting in work on this one foot.        I couldn't understand what he was saying because I feel awful, but at the same time he was far from understandable.              He was muttering, he was nervous.              He was dodgy and you could tell that he was about to cry. I never did see his tears. "Because.." he hesitated, "God forgive me for..the-the sin that..I've..committed."         That's the last I heard from him before it started fading all around me and I finally closed my eyes.

{He could feel the weight of her feet lightened, her foot dangled while still being in his grasp. Tears swelled up in Travis's eyes as a tear slowly fell down his face.        He looked up at her, "Oh God.." He finally let go of her, his hands coming to his face.             Travis didn't know why he did what he did, but he knew that it had to be done for the sake of his life. But at what cost? How could he be so selfish.                A million circumstances rushes through his head as he thought about Marilynn. Slowly but steady, Travis could see the color wash from Marilynn's face, Travis panicked.         He stumble to get up and he almost backed up into the TV.             He looked around her apartment once again.             Travis was scared seeing Marilynns practically lifeless body on the couch. He noticed the cup from her hand was about to spill and he quickly picked it up. "Damn it!" The thought ringed in his head.           Travis knew that he would be in a whole world of trouble. His fingerprints were now accessible to identify his identity.              Travis did the only thing he knew he could do.               He hid the glass in the pocket of his coat. "I need to go.." He thought, marching his way towards the door. He took one last look at Marilynn, he sniffled once and his nose started to burn again.        He picked up the phone that was on the wall and dialed a number.
      "Mr. Miller? Yes, sir," he paused, "it's done."}

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