Roller rally pt1

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We were in a roller rink
3rd person
My friends and I were all randomly placed around and when we stepped onto the hard wood floor we would somehow be teleported to the tables and bleachers outside the actual roller rink.

We all wanted to stay in the game but we were try to defeat some creature .

This creature while taller faster still had to obey the rules of the game. It had long and lanky and was completely blacked out. It almost looked like the scribbled outline of a person.

We were all super calm and talked to the monster as if he was just some annoying little kid in our class and it responded. It always responded with static noises but we understand them somehow.
We understood that it was challenging us to a game.
A game of Roller Rally

( A/N this is what the game was called in my dream. I've never heard of roller rally in my life but I knew how to play it in my dream)

/it was basically just floor is lava but you had to move to certain color pedestals every time a new one showed up on the lights. Last one to make to that new color wasn't out but the previous pedestal they were on disappears. You are out when you touch the floor./

We all wanted the monster to maybe just fall or trip maybe run out of the right color. But we weren't that lucky. Our team was dropping like flies but the creature never seemed to get tired or stop talking.

Every time the creature made it to another pedestal successfully or saw one of us get out because we stumbled or didn't jump far enough it would send a snarky remark. Still in static but we still knew that it was mocking us.

We kept playing until there were 2 of us left against the monster. The light changed the monster moved we moved. I was just about to make it to the right color then...

Something... no someone had put taken their hands and slowly pushed me closer and closer to the ground.

Everything seemed so slow.
I looked up to what had expected to be the monster finally getting a bit nervous thinking it had to force someone outfit it to win.



I saw

One of my best friends hands on my side. Feet now on the pedestal I was about to claim. Mouth moving but heard no sound coming from it. Pushing me farther and farther down.

Until I heard it.

The ding of the out bell.

I was on the hard wood I was out

All because of my friend.

I felt my self dematerialize and rematerialize on the outskirts of the rink sitting on the bleachers.

I closed my eyes cursing my best friend for throwing the game at this point.

A few  rounds go on

Then I heard the ding.
I look up to see my best friend with streamers flying all around and I remember suddenly what my best friend was saying as I was going down.

I'm sorry but you have to trust me.

It all comes flooding in I was previously on 1 of 2 orange pedestals the other completely vacant.
The next color was green which there were two of. My friend had realized the pattern in the colors and realized that orange would be the color in the next round. Realizing that the one I was going for was close enough to the orange it would be impossible not to get to it first even with the monsters speed. But in order for it to be guaranteed the monster would have no other orange to get to I had to be the last to make it to the next color. And if I was last to the color the orange I was on would disappear but I would be out.

That's why she did it. She needed me to be sacrificed so we could all win.

I ran up to her.

Reached out as she turned towards me

And I hugged her tighter than I ever had.


I was still asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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