Sportacus and the Town of the Crystal (Crystal Caper)

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OMG FINALLY WE'RE GETTING TO THE EPISODE ADAPTATIONS YAY OMG IM SO EXCITED HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA! Also I won't write out any of the songs cause that's kinda cringe.


After a lovely night's sleep, it was your first full day in Lazy Town, and you honestly didn't know what to expect. You woke up and did whatever you normally do in the mornings and ate breakfast. You grabbed some of the fruit the kids gave you yesterday and some cereal to chow on. After you ate you wondered what you should do. You weren't sure if you should just stay inside and pray that someone rings your doorbell, or put yourself out there and initiate an interaction. After some thought, the second option became out of the question and you decided to just wait and pray.

You sent texts to your family and the people from (insert city) to let them know your first night went well (texting only exists for you in the town ig idk I just need yall to contact your homies for future shit). After about an hour you started getting jittery, you probably should do something social on your first day in town but you are also not social. You stood up and stared at the door and began internally debating whether or not to go outside.

However, luck, a higher power, whatever it may be was on your side. The doorbell rang. You smiled, knowing you did not have to initiate anything. You waited a few seconds so it wouldn't seem like you opened the door super fast. After what you thought to be a normal amount of time it would take someone to answer the door, you answered it. No one was there, then you looked down and realized four of the kids from yesterday were at your door. The gamer kid was missing, he was probably gaming which you respected greatly.

"Oh hello! Thank you again for the fruit basket by the way!" You said. Due to you being an adult you still felt that you were obligated to initiate a conversation.

"I'm glad you liked them!" The pink-haired girl, who you think was named Stephanie, said. The other three kids nodded as well. "We were wondering if you wanted to come outside and play with us, since you're brand new here!" She said with the biggest smile on her face. Would it likely feel weird to play with a bunch of kids as an adult? Yes. However, these kids honestly were your only chance at having friends here, and they seemed like good people for being kids, so you accepted the offer. They responded to your yes with a bunch of hoorays and yays which warmed your soul. You luckily had shoes on already and followed their lead to wherever they were going.

While walking you took the opportunity to take in the town. The other times you roamed the town weren't very relaxing. Meeting the mayor and arriving at your new home was nerve-wracking, then you sprinted trying to save the mayor, then you walked back to your home with Sportacus. Your interaction with Robbie was a bit disturbing and having a quiet walk with the town's attractive superhero made you nervous. You had no reason to be nervous, for only knowing Sportacus for about an hour you could tell he wouldn't judge anyone. Still, you had never met a legit superhero or technically slightly above-average hero, and the fact that he was easy on the eyes didn't help much, but it also did in a way.

Anyways (anyray teehee Ray Manchester reference only real ones understand), the kids led you to a small playground with a swing and some weird wood thing (idk how to describe it just watch the episode on youtube).

"Aw man there's trash on the playset." The blonde kid, who may have been Siggy? No, Biggy? No, Gibby? No, whatever his name was said that.

"Let's just clean it up! You can help too Mr./Miss./whatever ya want (Y/N)!" Stephanie said.

"Alright, sure! And just (Y/N) is fine." You say. You all cleaned up for a few minutes, and progress was being made. The blonde kid ran off which greatly confused you.

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