"A Lover Long Gone."

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Dear Erebus.

I believe I owe you an apology. For not telling you about the children.
I'm sorry. I'm aware it was stupid but I just wanted whats best for them.When you find this note, I will most likely be dead.
I'm sorry my love but It would be better for the both of us.The kids are fine,If you even care.I had to separate them unfortunately.I sent one of them to a good friend of mine suffering with fertility.The other.. Well I fear I sent them to a not so great place...
If you ever find them please...
Let them live a normal life. They didn't ask to be gods.I didn't ask to be put in this situation. Erebus I loved you, And I unfortunately still do.I may not have loved the things you did to me. But that doesn't mean I don't love you.Even if it costed me my life. Please don't be so harsh on your sibling? They really are trying.
[The paper seemed to have tear marks]
Be safe my love.



Shadow stared at the paper.It seemed familiar somehow.
"I hope whoever this is...is doing alright now.."
Shadow got up and continued looking into the dark dimension.

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