Chapter Fourteen

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It was the day before Battle of the Bands. Although the competition was in SLO, Shabang offered us a night's stay in a hotel. It was very gracious of them and would definitely help us get our minds off of the competition. We would just be staying downtown but this felt like a special outing with my band. I was hoping that the romantic tension and the melodrama could take a backseat while we prepared for our performance.

Battle of the Bands was going to take place at The Fremont in San Luis Obispo. It was a large venue, one that neither the boys or myself have played at before. There would be five other acts performing alongside us. White Jagg, Sandspits, Couch Dog, Car Pool and Kate Armstrong. Each of us were going to have to battle it out on stage for a chance to win $1,000 and a performance slot at Shabang. Each of the bands and performers were equally as great, it was going to be a tough competition. The winner was going to be decided through the judges and the audience. I was as nervous as ever.

I still hadn't talked with any of the boys about my feelings for them or about their feelings for me. I was dreading it but maybe this is something I could address after our show. It became time for us to pack up the van and head over the Hotel SLO. Everyone got into the car — except for Matt. It felt like he couldn't even stand the sight of me, especially after last night. He couldn't even look me in the eyes.

When we arrived at the hotel, we headed towards the front desk. Nick and Reese took care of everything, checking us in and making sure we each had our accommodations. Reese turned around, "Uh guys... you know how shabang booked us these rooms?" We all nodded, "Well, they did this before Nathan joined the band. We are one room short." I looked down, feeling a bit dejected.

Ari piped up, "Nathan can stay with me! It's not a problem and I won't take no for an answer!" he winked at me and I felt those familiar butterflies in my stomach. I would be spending the night with Ari...

The boys and I headed to our rooms, dropping off our bags and then headed to the rooftop for drinks and dinner. It felt like normal, better than normal. All of us were telling stories and jokes. We were a family and nothing could change that. After our bellies were full, we decided it was time to call it a night. We had our big day tomorrow and nothing could stop us from slaying the competition.

As Ari and I headed to our room, the conversation was light but I knew there was something on his mind. I didn't pay too much attention to it though, I knew Ari and I knew he would say what he needed to when he was ready. His hand lingered on the doorknob as we got to our room. He looked at me, as if about to say something. "I... I am going to take a shower." I laughed and then nod. He had me a little nervous for a second.

When we got into the room, Ari hopped into the shower just as he promised, leaving me time to change into more comfortable clothing and play a little It wasn't long before the bathroom door open and Ari walked out with a cloud of steam following him.

"Listen Nathan, I need to tell you something." His body was covered only in a towel, exposing his beautiful, muscular chest. I knew what this was about, my cheeks were turning red with every passing second.

"What's up Ari?" I tried to play it off cool even though I was anything but. Ari sits besides me on our bed, reaching for my hands. Slowly his eyes reach mine and he takes a deep breath.

"I love you Nathan, I have loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you. Everytime I am with you it feels like I am dreaming, a sweet dream that I never want to wake up from. I can't imagine living another moment without you in my life." I am speechless.

I can't look away from him, I am so bewildered. "Listen Nathan, I want you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I feel so safe around you, you see me for the person I am, not just as Ari Singer. We could be happy together, more than happy. You make me a better person. You are always thinking about the betterment of the band and are a shining light in every room you enter. I know you must be confused but—"

I stopped him there, "Ari, I am confused... I— I don't know how I feel about you. I need some air." I drop his hands and run out our door.

I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I had to get out of there. I started off down the hall, and eventually found myself heading out to the empty restaurant patio. Finally alone with my thoughts, I let out a deep sigh, and pulled out my vape to take a few hits. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him, standing at the railing, smoking a cigarette. Damn that Matt for always looking so effortlessly cool. I was practically enraged–all I needed was some space, and now he's going to ruin that for me too? I couldn't take it anymore. He needed to know what he was doing to me–and I was ready for a fight this time.

"Hey." I said, coldly. I walked up and leaned up against the rail beside him. I put on my bravest front. "We need to talk. I don't like the way you've been treating me, and I wish you hadn't acted the way that you did after the sleepover. It wasn't fair. I–"

"I know." He cut me off with a softness I couldn't have expected. "I know and I'm really, really sorry Nathan. I shouldn't have ignored you, and I shouldn't have left." I took a deep breath. It was what I had wanted to hear from him, but I wasn't feeling satisfied yet.

"Why did you do all that?" I asked, with a bit harsher tone than I really meant it. Matt took a step back, furrowing his brow and looking a bit upset. I pushed on. "Thank you for your apology but I still don't get it. Do you like me? Do you even want me here? You've been wishy-washy with me since the beginning! I'm just starting to think you're just plain mean!"

"Oh fuck you, Nathan! It was my idea to even bring you into the ban in the first place!" He raised his voice, looking really upset with me now. I stopped short, my heart pounding.


"It was my idea. I had seen you play with Carpool–you were really good. We needed that extra something, and you were perfect." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It had never occurred to me that Matt had wanted me there that badly. "I didn't mean to treat you like that. Watching Ari and Grady fawn all over you–it was just too much. I didn't think I'd get so... jealous." His words hung heavy in the air. I stared back at him, trying to find the right thing to say. It didn't come.

"Can we be okay? Can we be cool, and just make it through this weekend? I think we owe it to the rest of the band." Matt finally said.

"Yes, yes of course. I'm sorry I came out here so upset. I just–"

"Don't worry about it. Get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow." Matt reached up and squeezed my arm. He offered a smile, then walked back inside. I watched him go. I took a couple more hits of my vape, then headed back in. The lights were off and Ari was already asleep by the time I got back into the room. I slipped into the bed beside him and closed my eyes.

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