Chapter 27

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It had been a couple days since Sammy had come over but he still had managed to bug the ever loving shit out of me. He was constantly texting and calling me to ask and make sure I was okay or if I needed anything. At first it was cute but now it was starting to become annoying.

"Sammy, I promise if I need anything or something is wrong you will be the first to know." I said, for what seemed like the 100th time in the past day.

"I know, I know. I just worry when I'm not around. I've got nothing else to do to occupy time." Sammy said, sighing on the other end of the phone.

"I thought you were in the studio with the boys?" I said, frowning.

"We were but we wrapped a little bit ago. Josh and Jake are arguing over something so me and Danny decided to call it for the night so we could all mellow out. So now me and Dan are back at our place. "

I didn't mean to but I let out a small laugh. "Wow, that sounds uh...delightful. I'm going to assume you were part of the problem seeing that you can't put your phone away and keep calling me. Danny tell him to stop!" I said, slightly shouting into the phone.

"Amy, I can only do so much!" I heard Danny's voice come through the phone. I let out a laugh and then heard Sammy telling Danny to shut it. 

"Okay, well I'll leave you to have your fun with Danny. Sounds like you two could use a load off." I said, a smile playing on my lips.

"Okay Ame's call m-"

"Yes yes! I know, I'll call you if anything comes up. I promise okay, pinkie promise." I said, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"Deal, okay I'll talk to you soon. Bye Amy."

"Bye Sammy." I said, pulling my phone away from my ear and hanging up. I flung my phone beside me on my bed, my body fully spread out across it. I sighed, a smile small playing on the corners of my lips.

Over the past couple days Sam had constantly checked up on me and while yes it had become annoying, in a weird way it was nice to have someone worrying about me because it showed that he cared.

We had spent the past couple of days texting and talking on the phone like a couple of teenagers. It had felt nice feeling giddy about someone and I tried to linger in it not knowing what was to come. Especially given the situation we are in.

Don't get me wrong. I still was curious as to what I had walked into between Sammy and Jake a couple nights ago but decided to lay it to rest for the time being. I knew that I had got too caught up in the thought, questions and what ifs of all of it and knew I had let my mind get the best of me.

I let my mind wander as I tried to focus on the happy thoughts of Sam as my mind replayed the cute conversations we had been having. I was caught up in one moment when I was snapped out of it by hearing a knock on my bedroom door. "Yeah?" I said, raising my head off of the bed at a weird angle to look towards the door.

The door opened and Hailey's head peeked around it. A smile was brought to my face seeing her. The past couple of days had been somewhat of a strange blur and Hailey's schedule had been the complete opposite of mine, resulting in us only seeing each other in passing when we left our apartment.

"Hailey!" I said, raising my arms out in front of me, signaling for her to come in. She smiled and walked to me, flopping her body on mine as I pulled her into a hug. "I missed you!" I said, into her shoulder as we rolled around on my bed, both of us laughing.

She pulled back from me and scooted herself up on the bed so she was resting against one of my pillows. I did the same, and took a seat next to her. Her hands came up to her face and she pushed out her bottom lip in a pout. "Ugh, I know! I hate it. It's so weird that I can still miss you even though we live together." She said, a small laugh escaping her.

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