Chapter 37

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~Sammy POV~

The soft tick of the clock was the only sound that filled the room. I closed my eyes, letting out a deep sigh from my nose, letting the tiny ticks lull me into a tranquil and relaxed state.

I rested my head back against the wall feeling the coolness of it against the back of my neck. My whole body sunk itself and molded into the soft cushion of the chair.

Over time, my body just knew that therapy had become a secured- safe place for me to relax and unwind. It took a while for me to realize this but now I found myself being able to enjoy it and just talk without holding myself back. Enjoy might be the wrong word to use but it felt nice to have someone listen with full attention and without any sort of judgment.

The sound of the door clicking open alerted me and I opened my eyes and straightened myself up in the chair. Dr. Morrison entered the room, flashing me a soft smile before turning around to shut the door behind her, her blonde hair flipping around as she did. She took a seat across from me in her chair and I flashed her and returned her with a warm smile.

I had been seeing Morrison for a while now after going through an agonizing couple of first sessions with multiple therapists before ultimately landing on her. The very first time I met with her I was completely broken and exhausted having told my situation more times than I could count that first week. It had come to a point where I couldn't even talk about it or explain because I would completely break down.

I had become quite bitter and snappy having been run through the ringer over and over again. I mentally couldn't handle having to tell someone else. I was completely exhausted due to the intensity of all my emotions and due to lack of sleep. I don't think I actually slept for the first five days after everything happened and if I did it was only for less than an hour at a time.

The first session we had I fully closed myself off. I was so angry, frustrated and beat up. I sat there in her office with my jaw clenched and my hands balled up so tight that my nails dug into my skin. When she entered the room I was slightly thrown off. She wasn't at all what I expected.

So far all the people I had met had been older and rather prim and proper, all holding themselves a couple inches taller than they actually were with their chests puffed out. Morrison on the other hand looked quite young and was dressed in casual jeans and had on an oversized Sublime t-shirt.

She came into the room holding a bag of M&M's and popped a few of them in her mouth before sitting down in her hair. She turned to her computer and wiggled the mouse to turn it on. With her eyes fixated on the screen she extended her left arm and shook the bags of M&M's out at me.

"Want some?" she asked, chewing a mouthful.

I frowned trying to hide the funny smirk that was working its way onto my face. "N-no thank you," I stammered. She shrugged and pulled the bag back towards her and popped some more of the candy into her mouth. I sat there fiddling with my hands, watching her click the mouse and tap on a couple keys of the keyboard. Her demeanor and attitude threw me off and I found myself trying not to chuckle at her. She seemed witty.

She set the bag of M&M's on the desk and swiveled around in her chair to face me. She wiped her hand on her jeans and before extending it out to me. "Natalie Morrison."

I took her hand and grasped it in mine. "Sam."

"It's nice to meet you," Morrison said, offering a warm smile. She withdrew her hand and swiveled back around to look at her computer. She grabbed the mouse and started scrolling on the screen before letting out a hum.

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