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"Mama, can I sit on your lap?" Bailey asked as Meredith was settled in her wheelchair, her left leg propped up, her casted arm in a sling, Ellis already sitting on her lap. Meredith was terrified of saying no. Her kids were clingy and it was completely normal, they just had to miss their mom for four weeks straight

"Hey buddy, why don't you help me push your mom?" Alex suggested, knowing there was no way Bailey'd be able to fit onto Meredith's lap

"Yes! I'm strong!" Bailey nods and helps Alex to push his mom

"We can go home." Zola proudly smiled, opening the door for her mom

"Home." Meredith repeated, a small smile appearing on her lips

"Mama, can we play when you get home?" Bailey asked enthusiastically

"Of course, Bails." Meredith nods and went quiet, holding tight onto baby Ellis in her lap

As Alex wheeled her to the exit there were a bunch of her friends and colleagues that collected at the exit, to show their respect

"Mer.. I think we gotta stop here." Alex said, hoping his friend would react okay

Meredith slowly lifted her head, seeing all eyes on her and she felt her hands get sweaty

"We're glad you got discharged, Grey. We won't bother you much longer, but we're all thinking of you, so please let us know if there's anything we can do for you." Bailey said as she walked up to them

"Thanks. I will." Meredith quietly said, smiling softly but looking down again

"Take good care of her." Bailey said to Alex. "And don't hesitate to call us."


"Okay Mer, I'll lift you out of the car." Alex announced, Bailey had brought his mom's bag while Zola was standing at the door

"Ellie-" Meredith said

"I'll grab her once you're seated." He nods and placed Meredith down in the wheelchair, then taking Ellis out of the car seat and placing her back on Meredith's lap

"We're home." Meredith whispered but no one really heard her.

Alex opened the front door, the two oldest kids running inside, very glad their mom was finally home again

"I'll go grab my toys!" Bailey announced

"Buddy, maybe grab a book or something-" Alex yelled, hoping the boy heard him

"I'll go tell him." Zola nods and follows her brother.

"Let's get you two comfortable on the couch, she should also drink her milk." Alex said and lifted Meredith and Ellis on the couch

"I can feed her." Meredith quickly said, really wanting to bond with her daughter, feeling like she missed so many important moments

"Of course." Alex smiles proud, disappearing into the kitchen

"I missed you so, so much." Meredith kissed her daughter's forehead

"Mama! I found a book!" Bailey ran back inside, Zola following him close

"Perfect. Ellis needs her milk but why don't you read for us, ZoZo?" Meredith gives her oldest daughter an encouraging smile

"Okay." Zola proudly smiles and takes the book, both were settling on the couch, Alex bringing Ellis' milk

"Thanks." Meredith smiles and starts to feed Ellis while Zola starts to read the book to them. Alex feels really great to see his best friend with her kids again, as if nothing changed, as if the whole attack never happened but the long arm cast and the long brace on her leg triggered the memory of when he first walked in on her battered body in the ER

He had seen all the bruises, all the different casts, all the bandage changes and all the tests, every time his heart hurted a little more, knowing Meredith never deserved any of this

"Mama, I missed you." Bailey wanted to hug his mom, his head bumping into her jaw

"Hmm-" Meredith winced in pain, her hand moving to her jaw

"Mer? Are you okay?" Alex asked, immediately kneeling down next to her

Meredith nodded, unable to speak up right now, her jaw hurt so bad

"Deep breaths, do you think I should call Jackson?" Alex asked worried, the kids visibly worried

"No-" Meredith quickly said, focussing on breathing

"Mama are you okay?" Bailey asked

"Uhu." Meredith nods her head

"Next time be a little more careful, buddy." Alex rubbed Bailey's back

"It's okay.." Meredith muttered, slowly able to talk again and she doesn't want her kids to be worried

"I'll call Jackson later anyways, don't wanna take risks." Alex said and rubbed her back

"Kay.." She whispers, leaning against the pillow

"Mommy, can I continue reading?" Zola asked her mom

"Of course." Meredith nods


"Mer, the kids are in bed, maybe you should head to bed as well?" Alex suggests

"Okay." She nods, talking was easier again and Jackson expected everything to be okay but he wanted her to come in right away when her jaw started hurting again

"I'll just carry you upstairs." Alex announced and lifts his friend in his arms

"Thank you, Alex." Meredith squeezed his arm. He brings her to the bedroom and places her down on the bed, tucking her in so she would be comfortable

"Don't thank me, are you comfortable?" He asks

"I think so." Meredith nods. "Can you- stay?" She hesitatingly asks

"Oh Mer, of course. Let me just go change into something more comfortable." He said as he was still in his street clothes

"Thanks.." Meredith whispers, she's just too scared to sleep alone. Ever since Derek died she now sleeps on his side of the bed, not being able to face the empty spot and not ever wanting to replace him

Alex returns a few minutes later, climbing in next to her. "Do you need anything? An extra pillow or some water?" He asks

"No Alex." Meredith chuckled at her overprotective friend. She saw Alex more as a brother than as a friend sometimes but he has been amazing for her and her kids and she was so grateful

"Let me know if there's anything I can do. Now close your eyes and rest, your body needs to heal." He quietly said

"It's been healing for over a month.." She groaned a bit annoyed

"I know.." He sighed and watched her as she fell asleep


I'm very curious to hear people's thoughts on this new story. I feel like I'm trying new stuff compared to my first story. But i'd like to get some ideas and reviews. Thanks!

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