Part 1

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Josie said in a annoyed tone "Hey Lizzie wake up you've slept since 9:00pm it's now fucking 2:00pm.

"Relax I'm awake take a chill pill."
"Get changed now."
"Fine *gets dressed*done now relax."
"Good now if you need me I'll be downstairs ."
"Fine *Lizzie hears a knock on the door* who is it?."

"It's me dad now open up"

"Fine come in"
"Thanks now girls we need a serious chat"
"What about?"
"When you guys are 22 since your in the Gemini coven you will have to merge"
Lizzie said in a confused voice "What's a merge"
"To see who's the stronger twin but the weak one dies and the stronger one becomes the leader."
"We can't kill each other"
"I was gonna tell you once you guys were 22."
"Screw this I'm done with this conversation"*Lizzie would walk out and run to her room in stress and have a episode and the lights flicker and stuff move across the room but hope comes in.*
"Hey,are you okay?"
"Stay back it's fine it'll pass."
"What do we do we need to do the yelling in the woods thing?."
"No I just,I need to find out what this merge thing is,okay I feel like it's a spell she's gonna use to just leave or break us up or something."
*Hope holds Lizzie's shoulders and everything stops*
"It's okay I'll just call my aunt Freya and ask her okay?"
"No problem"
"Why are you so nice to me when all I've done is be a bitch to you"
Hope would sigh."because I care about you."
"Why some people don't cause of my bipolar "
"Well then they are stupid and need therapy"
"Well I better go see Landon cya"
"Cya"thinks seriously landon

Follow my TikTok if you want it's called hizziessire_

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