Part 2

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Lizzie's pov
"What does she see in him she's to good for him wait am I falling for Hope andrea Mikealson what the hell this cannot be possible what is going on I'm not even nice to her why am I falling for her this cannot be happening."

Hopes pov
"Why the hell is Lizzie saltzman being so nice to me she is never nice to me something has to be up this is strange I have to see what she's up to does she have feelings for me...

Knock knock

"Come in." Lizzie said
"Hope would say in a confused voice "your up to something confess now."
"What are you on about hope."
"Your being nice to me why your never nice to me."
"I don't know Maybe because you helped me with my episode and your nice to me even when I'm a bitch to you."
"True listen I wanna ask you somethin I changed my mind about  seeing landon I wanna hang out with you."
"Me why me?."
"I don't know why not."
"To the grill or a walk?."
"Maybe both you know just hang out anything."
"You know what sure."Lizzie said in a happy tone
"Let's go then."

They go to the bar and order a beverage then play pool together*

"Haha I won." Lizzie said happily
"Rematch ?."
"Nah wait i need advice."
"What with ?."Hope said in confusion
"I think I'm catching feelings for a girl I don't know what to do ."
Hopes pov
"Wait Lizzie saltzman is gay I thought she was straight....

Lizzies pov
"Omg did I just ask her for advice what if she tells my family I'm gay nobody else knows not even my twin sister and she's my bestfriend shoot I'm fucking screwed."

"Lizzie I thought you were straight ?."
"No I'm not I'm lesbian just don't tell anyone not even my family know at all only you please don't I beg you."
"You have my word I promise I won't."
"Thank you so much."
"Yeah anytime."
"We better get heading back." Lizzie yawned
"Yeah I agree I'm pretty tired I could sleep for year."
"I think you may be over reacting."Lizzie would chuckle

"Your right let's head back."

They arrive back at the Salvatore boarding school and go to their dorms*

Josie said annoyed "Elizabeth Jenna saltzman."
"Why are you angry with me ?".
"Where were you I thought you died you were out ages!!!".
"I was out with Hope why?". Lizzie said confused and looked at josie confused
"You hate her you can't stand her ."
"Why do you care ."
"Doesn't matter let's just go to bed."
"You are one strange person josie I swear to fucking god."

*They both go to sleep the next day....

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