Coming out

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Lizzies pov
"I hope Hope hasn't told anyone yet cause this is not good if she has.Josie will be mad at me for not telling her and everything will be my fault our friendship will be ruined I wish I could go in time and not tell her about this."

Hopes pov
"I hope I won't fall for Lizzie like how she's fallen for me cause she's way better then landon I mean I could name a list of reasons about Lizzie why I will fall in love with her she's amazing,talented,kind but can be mean but doesn't mean to other stuff she just has an amazing personality."

Lizzie goes to hopes dorm knock knock

"Come in its open."
"Oh hey Liz everything okay."
Lizzie would say nervously "Do I tell my family now."
"Honestly tell them when you are ready or whenever you want."
"Okay thank you I lov- I love your shoes bye."
"Thanks bye."
Lizzies pov
"Oh hey."
She would say nervously "I have to tell you something."
"Okay what is it."
"I'm uh I'm lesbian."
"Oh congratulations I'm so proud of you."
"Yes of course congratulations."
"Thanks guys."

Lizzies pov
"Thank god that went well and they support I mean if they support her then officially me but maybe she's the favourite child the golden child to be honest."

Hopes pov
"I hope it's gone well for her and they support if they support jo then they should support Lizzie I might ask her on a date ."
Knock knock
"Who is it ."
"The one and only queen in school."
"Oh Lizzie come in."
"Your Spanish now woah so what did they say ."
"They support."
"Good listen I've been thinking do you maybe wanna go on a date."
"Yes yes yes and yes hallelujah I've been waiting for this day."
"Where you wanna go on a date?."
"I'll take you to a restaurant."

Sorry it's short I didn't know what to put

Hizzies love story<3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant