+_Random HeadCanons_+

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Have some headcanons while you wait for a new chapter :D

Also, this is just how I picture the characters so if you have different opinions well uhm... ok :'D

Ill make a part two to these tonight so uh yea

Also here's my Spotify. You don't have to listen... I just thought you might like to have it :)


if you don't want to type it, the link is in the comments




-OH MY GOD THIS MAN LOVES HUGS, he could hug you for hours on end every night.

-If he's mad he will refrain from talking to you and steal your food (He likes ham sandwiches so watch out).

- Whenever you get stressed out from the kindergarteners and too tired he will pick you up, put you in the break room and handle the rest of your section of the kids for that day giving you some time to relax

-He loves you lots:))))))))

-If you get sick he will never leave you unless it's to get you food or water. Hell put you in bed and turn on (F/m) or (F/s) until you feel better.

-He wakes you up every morning with a kiss if he can. He gets very disappointed if you don't accept them :(

-If he makes you mad he will do everything he can to tell you he is sorry. The list starts from making you his exceptional coffee all the way down to flat-out following you around and repeating "I'm sorry!" repeatedly.

- (Girl headcanon, sorry.) If you are on your "Time of the month" he will supply you with everything you need-food, Water, Pads, etc and then just cuddle with you if you're in a bad mood.


- He loves playing hide and seek with you in the maintenance room.

- When you give him kisses they have to be to the side of his mouth or you would be kissing inside of his mouth LMAO

-If he got mad he would lock you out of the maintenance room for days

-If he made you mad you would ignore him and he would get you TONS of food to try and apologize

-If you got sick this guy would get you absolutely EVERYTHING that would help you feel better, plus he would never leave you unless he had to.

-He will randomly hug you... i don't know why...but he does

-He loves you :D

~Jumbo Josh~

-His hugs could crush your bones, but you still love them.

-In order for you to kiss him he has to bend down all of the way or you wouldn't be able to reach him.

-If he got mad, you best run because this man will crush the nearest thing to him unless you can manage to calm him down.

-if your helping him with the kindergarteners and you get hurt or stressed, he won't let you help anymore he just sends you somewhere to relax until he can get the kids handled.

-If you got sick he would be kind of confused on what to do I mean he's... uh...he's something

-If you accidentally sleep at the kindergarten overnight he allows you to use him as a pillow because... he does

-if he makes you mad he will be guilty for HOURS until you say you love him, he makes you little drawings (Not very good ones but he tries) and give them to you in secret.


~Opila Bird~

-She can't really hug you since she has wings but she tries her best

-She is a bird what else am I going to say LOL

-If she gets mad she will smack you with her wings when you don't expect it then run away

-She loves watching (F/m) with you, she likes it so much (F/m) is also her favorite movie

-If you got sick she would know exactly what to do, she has six chicks anyways. She gets you food (F/s, favorite soda) if you don't want soda she just gets you water and then lies next to you for hours while listening to music

-If you fall asleep on the job, she will move you somewhere where children won't bother you all-day

-If she makes you mad, she will be so sad, surely she didn't mean to make you mad :(

-Her chicks will hang out with you when she's gone, Tod is your favorite but you don't tell them that


Welp yea here's something to keep you occupied while I write more one-shots

See ya later


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