Chapter 3

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I thought I knew true anxiety until tonight.

The urge to throw up was too real, it was burning in my throat. Axels words are replying over and over in my head.

I have no clue what they could have come up with as a gift... big news. But anything they did together, anything my dad did was never good.

I stare at Axe until he looks back to me. When he does, he immediately looks away, facing my dad.

My leg brushes against his ever so gently, almost unnoticeable. He seems to know what's coming, he knows how anxious I am right now.

His leg moves closer to mine, removing any distance that was left between our legs. I wasn't relaxed but the urge to throw up was less.

Our mums are smiling, faces in hands, admiring. They obviously know what the news is or maybe they just guessed.

I don't like it. I don't like any of this.

"Bella my dear, and Axel of course" he looks back and forth, and then back to Axels dad. "We decided to tie the families together".

I'm unsure what he means by tie the families together. My heart slows. To me it sounds like we're going to join business and banks, or something.

My gut and the back of my mind were saying something else but I refused, I pushed back the thought. Because no one in the right mind would do that.

"The weddings arranged for next year, after your 18th". My stomach drops, maybe my heart drops, and I think I stopped breathing too.  Wedding? Arranged? 18th?

My eyebrows haven't buried so low, I look between our dads "what do you mean?" I ask. Nervous. I take back my question because I don't actually think I want an answer.

I feel sick all over again, maybe worse this time. Without realising my leg is forcefully pressed against Axe's and I'm not even sure why.

My dad grins, as if I'd be happy about this. As if I'd agree with him. Axels dad replies instead "Obviously you're going to marry my son".

"You're joking?" I ask, my tone more of a scoff than it was meant to be.


I stand up from the table, throwing my napkin on the chair. "If you'll excuse me" I say, I storm out.

The options I have are leave the building or hide in the bathroom. I pick the most optional and decide to leave.

"Bell!" Which I'm sure is Axe shouting me but I don't have interest in finding out. I have interest in hurrying up, tearing my way through the restaurant and out the front doors.

I'm running down the street as fast as possible in my heels. I look hella good but I must like fucking stupid. Running down the street in a long red dress, sunset, busy city street.

I'm pushing past people, managing to keep my balance as I run. But I can still here the footsteps following behind me. I can't hide because there isn't anywhere.

But I can't keep running. So I slow down and turn around. "Bell" he says breathlessly, slowing down in front of me. He runs his hand through his hair.

"Stop, just leave me alone" My voice is wobbly, so is my body. Running did me zero justice, I need to sit down, cry and probably puke my organs.

He shakes his head "no, we need to talk"

"Does it look like I want to talk? Axe our parents have just told me we're going to get married, without a question. On my freaking birthday. I'm probably have a panic attack, or something, and you think I want to talk?" I rush my words out, no thought behind them.

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