Chapter 4

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Bella was pissed off me, double time because I refused to sleep on the couch.

Gentle Axel only exists when the parents are around. Kind of. Either way gentleman or not I prefer not having a sore back.

My house, my bed. So this is where I'll be staying. Thanks.

She's made herself comfy by now, she's under the covers, but still sitting up with the pillows against the headboard. I say she's comfy but she's right on the edge of the bed.

I hope she falls.

"Bell can we talk now?" I ask, sitting up properly. She puts her phone down and glares at me.

If I didn't know how harmless she is I'd actually think she'd murder me. Unlucky for her, I know she's weak.

She's waiting for me to speak. "Yeah I did know, I overheard my dad on a call, and I started sneaking into his office trying to find out more" I look down because her glare is actually making me nervous.

"But my dad caught me, and the amount of shit I got into... Bell, he told me I couldn't tell anyone or talk to anyone about it. Especially you"

I hear her sigh "He didn't have to know".

"Don't act like you wouldn't have kicked off like tonight. He'd definitely have known I told you, especially because you can't shut your mouth"

"Excuse me? I know when to shut up, I wouldn't have said anything."

"So you'd stay quiet and deal with the fact we're going to get married?"

She moves her pillow down the bed and lays down, pulling the blankets up. "We're not getting married". She turns off the lamp by her side of the bed.

"You can keep convincing yourself but it won't change anything" I turn off my own lamp and lay down too.

She turns around, the covers covering up to her chin "If I'm marrying someone I'm getting a proposal, and it's not going to be the guy I hate the most"

"Hates a strong word princess"

"True, strong doesn't really suit you" I'd argue back but she held a small smile on her face, pleased with what she said. I huffed and faced the ceiling instead.

I heard her moving about and assumed she turned back over again.

My thoughts wander as I slowly drift off to sleep. When I wake up with a startle I see the clock, 2:30. After about 30 seconds to realize what's going on I feel there's someone touching my body.

In an unfriendly manner I'd say, due to the fact I think I'm being pushed off the bed. I'm going to assume it's not an accident.

I roll my head to the other side where Bell should be sleeping. Instead, I see her sitting beside me, 'pushing' me.

"Princess if you wanted to touch me you could have just asked" I notice the flinch as she looks over to my face. "This is just a dream, it's not real, go back to sleep" she whispers.

"Oh sorry about that, must have got mixed up" I shut my eyes again just to mess with her. Hopefully, she'd think I was serious and not playing along with her stupidity.

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