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If you ask someone from my family to describe me the words they would use the most is probably LAZY.

And you know what I admit I am lazy. Lazy is someone who is in their room 24/7 doing nothing but being on the internet, lazy means never doing their chores the first time they get asked, lazy is someone not studying all day even tho they had the time, lazy is never cleaning their room even if it looks like a war had broke out in there. I do all these things, but somehow I don't feel like the word lazy is the best word to describe me. I think the word I'm looking for is DRAINED.

I just don't have the energy for anything. I don't want to get up, I dread going to school and I dread coming home even more. Don't get me wrong my home life is good, I got two loving parents, a kind of loving older brother and an even more loving little sausage of a dog. It's just the thought of not being good enough for them is draining. So just imagine (and you probably can) like school itself is not draining enough so let's add failure to the mix. 

Honestly I do not get enough credit for going through that everyday that and not complaining. And more honestly NONE OF US DO.

So as Dory inspired me (yes the fish from Nemo). I'm just gonna keep swimming until I finally fucking sink.

All love - probsinsane

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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