a paradox Chapter 01

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[Her past was just one regret after another . It was what (Y/N) had always known. She had tried to run away, then face it, then seek forgiveness....but to whom? It was just too late.]

Kim Dokja reads what was written on the screen. (Y/N) (L/N) was a complicated character in 'Ways of Survival' the webnovel Kim Dokja had been reading.

Each character always followed what they had believed. Protect what they vowed to ...  . (Y/N)(L/N) became what she vowed to never be. Kim Dokja would always question her decisions yet understood her the most, she was a very realistic character, perhaps which is why Dokja admired her. She never gave up no matter what, even when the pain overwhelmed her into giving up.

The novel unfortunately never revealed much about her. She wasn't much strong in terms of her physical strengths, yet she was capable to supar most of the strong characters even Yoo Junghyeok the protagonist of the novel.

After the events of a sub scenario she slowly looses her sanity and does something she would regret for her whole life. A 'paradox' that was the nickname given to her by the other incarnations .

She was a character Yoo Junghyeok met in his 3rd regression. She was the closest character who could be considered as Yoo Junghyeok' companion. And knowing this , it wasn't a surprise that Kim Dokja had anticipated her end. Thats what happens to people close to the protagonist.

[ She was never afraid of death, no. She just didn't think she had paid for her sins yet.She shouldn't die before that.
'Without an redemption arc...' she thought bitterly.

She had wished to die countless times before, but not like this. Was all the pain not enough? Was she that unfortunate?

She brought her eyes up gazing at the sky which had remainant of dust and smoke from the previous battle. Not a single star.She steeled herself finally coming to a resignation . She gave up. ]

Kim Dokja pulled away from the screen. He was angry ,needing to process what had just happened. He looked around , he was in his office .

This wasnt the first time a character had died. It was the first time a character had died hopelessly. Her whole existence was nothing but pain. She didn't deserve this pain. She had to sacrifice herself for the sake of the world. the price? She would stop existing thought time itself. Her memories from the past present and future would be erased completely with no one remembering her.Her existence never being meant anything at all.

What pained him even more was that (Y/N)(L/N) would not come back even if Yoo Junghyeok regressed. Maybe Kim Dokja should be relieved that he would never be able to see the character ever again. He would not have to watch her sorrows repeat even if Yoo Junghyeok did something to prevent that. But he couldn't help but feel sad to never be able to see his one of the favourite characters. He was even disappointed how little he knew about the character despite admiring her so much.

[ ”i wont let you die in my next regression” Yoo Junghyeok said in his usual tone.

(Y/N)(L/N) smiled bitterly, nobody knew, nobody except her knew that she was never coming back again.

''why?'' Despite that she joked in a strained voice.''am I that useful to you''

Yoo Junghyeok stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.
''Because you are my companion''. ]

Kim Dokja's heart dropped at this Yoo Junghyeok was never  expressive. Yet he had found a place for (Y/N) in his heart without even realizing.

[ ''please,'' she asked ''stay'' it was her last attempt at being selfish for once.

'' I will see you in my next life'' yet Yoo Junghyeok.

(Y/N) wanted to scream. She wanted to tear everything apart .no one would remember me. Not her friends, not her family, not the constellations , not even you.
It was getting difficult for her to breath. It isn't suppose to hurt this much.

Yoo Junghyeok wiped away a stray tear that had escaped her dark eyes.

''I will find you, no matter what I will''.

As if receiving his affections were a last chance at peace, she smiled weakly. She gazed into his eyes
with tears which kept falling faster than Yoo Junghyeok could catch.

It hurt Yoo Junghyeok alike , to see the person cry who would always manage to put smiles on everybody else. She even knew how to make Kim Namwoon laugh. A paradox that whats she was , even to him.

He couldn't do anything else except watch his companions eyes dim, her life seeping away, her body finally becoming limp and cold in his arms.
He could regression again he would find her again in his next life , he swore to protect her]

there was no next time. Kim Dokja thought She was dead and she was not coming back even if Yoo Junghyeok regressed.

[ Yoo Junghyeok closed his eyes, not wanting to see his companions cold body anymore. He could not accept it , he could not accept- what?
Yoo Junghyeok snapped his eyes open a weight suddenly lifting off his arms.A wind blew pulling away the dust over his arms and lap.
He stood up conflicted several questions filling his head.where am i ? what was I doing? why am I covered in dust? what is this feeling? why is my chest tight? why am I crying?
He took a step back, then another his heart beating loudly.Those feelings were foreign to him. To someone feeling something for someone who didn't exist. His steps and heart were equally greeting heavier with each step he too away from where he stood. ]

Kim Dokja stared at the screen until it went blank. His face stared back at him a tear running down his cheek. He was surprised and wiped it away quickly.

What Yoo Junghyeok never knew , what no one ever considered was because of her ceasing to exist from time itself made a possibility to cease to exist as well. It was the survival of the world.

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