Chapter 4-(Healthy flirting)

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(Healthy flirting.)

Ibrahim's pov:
I woke up by the sound of my annoying phone buzzing.I groaned in frustration.

"Yes?? What is it"I was mad.
"Sir,have you forgotten about your meeting with Mr.francis,I called just in case you forgot"My secretary stated from the other side of the phone.Shitttt I forgot.
"Off course.I knew it,how irresponsible you think I am".I yelled at Maya.

"Sorry sir...."I didn't listen her and hung up.I seriously have some anger issues sometimes.I first thought to thank her for reminding me,then she said in case you forgot, which made me angrier.

I sighed coming out of bathroom after taking a shower.I had to reach that jerk's company by 11 and it's already 9 past 30.

For my breakfast,I took plain toast and espresso.I hurried my pace towards the door.Such an annoying life I have.

As I reached the building,I saw a herd of people,little away from the company.And someone said it right
Curiosity killed the cat.

I went near the crowd to see if the monster appeared or someone died.But what I saw was worth watching.A hijabi girl catching the theif.I was facing her back.Theif threw a knife towards her,my instincts kicked in and I ran to protect her,but she instantly dodged the knife in one swift move and kicked the theif right in his face.Serves him right,Jerk.

He fell on the ground.For a moment,I thought he died on the spot.The girl grabbed the purse,and he pushed her towards the wall and ran away.He was scared,that to of a mere girl.
In all honesty,I was impressed by the girl.

I usually don't approach the girls,who wear headscarves,bcz they don't like touched by a non mehram.

But my curiosity was not helping me,at that moment,I don't know what had gotten into me that moment ,but I held her shoulder to turn her towards me.My world took a phase change of 360°straight. She flipped me over her shoulder,I was in the air,and the very next second on the ground lying on my back.I recognized her(challan girl) and now she was also looking at me too.

"NOT AGAIN".We both said in unison.
Getting up,brushing the dirt of my clothes.I stopped the urge to kill her,for destroying another day of mine very perfectly.(My anger issues took over).

"Have you finally lost it now?. How dare you?" I was beyond angry, shouting every word ,my nostrils flaring.

"How dare me??? Ohh hello.....Mr.....How dare you.How dare you touch me.I'll cut your hand and feed it to stray street dogs".She was equally angry,I presumed.

"Who even wants to touch someone like you? "I said disgustingly.
"Then,were you playing ringa ringa roses with my shoulder".She shouted enough to make me deaf.

I watched my wrist watch,I was getting late.
"You know what,you are nothing but an attention seeker and I hate such type of girls".I told her.

"And who made you think,I like you to the point of worshiping you.I hate you much more than you hate me.I felt like throwing up by the mere sight of your face"She said with exteme hatred towards me.She hated my face,MY FACE I MEAN.I never heard of such thing in my entire life.People compare my to those greek gods,and here she felt like throwing up.She has to be blind.

"Wish you loose your tongue,woman".I said gritting my teeth,wearing my shades,walking away.

"Wish, you screw your day,jerk"I heard her screaming,but it was faint as I was walking away.She already had screwed my day and now she was wishing me Good luck.(NOTE THE SARCASM).Goddd,I HATE HER SOOO FREAKING MUCH.

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