Chapter 9-(I'll kill him)

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(I'll kill him)



"Aima,I regret coming to this university"I said panicking.Other seniors alongwith the jerk king just went away.
"Don't worry,everything will be ok".Said Aima.
"NO!That jerk king will make sure to make my already messed up life a hell.Just now,he was smirking.He will take advantage of being my senior"I said.
"Listen...."Aima started only to be interrupted by a masculine voice.
"Assalam u alikum ladies,sorry it took me so long to come"Mahad said holding our food trays.He went to grab our food before the jerk king arrived.
"Walikum assalam."Me and Aima in unison,
"Hey,what happened Rooh? I just left you fine a moment ago"He asked with a concern,probably he guessed seeing my facial expressions.Aima told him everything including our bakery encounter and our mutual hate for each other.He was still a little confused.
"See Rooh,I don't know exactly,what happened but I ensure you,he will not do anything".Mahad said.
"No,Mahad you don't know him.He will destroy my university life,my career,my future,everything......"I kept on repeating the same thing like a mantra.
"Rooh,Rooh,Rooh,listen to me.You trust me right?"He said with so much hope in his eyes.
"I do trust you but..."I started again
"If you trust me,then believe me I'll protect you with all my might.No one can bully you till the day I'm alive Rooh,so relax."Mahad stated and I honestly felt protected.Thank you Allah for sending Mahad as my brother in my life.
"Thank you Mahad for always being their with me"I said.
"No problem dude,anything for you."He said and went away for his class,waving us off.
"Hey,This boy is heads over heels for you Rania"Said Aima.
"Ohh,shutup Aima.He is like a brother to me and I'm pretty sure he thinks the same about me"I said.

"God girl,you are so slow.He for sure loves you,he helps you everytime,he praises you everytime,he is always there for you from the childhood days,like,I mean I'm his childhood friend as well but he treats you differently,and the fact he calls you HIS ROOH( meaning soul in urdu) can not be overlooked either."She exclaimed.
"But people do these all things for their sisters as well"I said defensively.
"Umm then,let's suppose he truly likes you,what will you do then?"She asked.
"Then,I'll say my best friend Aima will give answer on my behalf"I said and we both burst out in laughter.

Rest of the day went alot smoother than expected.We studied, met new people,we made more friends( but Aima and mahad will always be my best friends),we laughed and then we went to our respective homes.

"I was waiting for you sista,you just made me breakfast,what about the lunch?,that's why I will not thank you now"Rayyan said as soon as I entered the apartment.He was sitting on the couch, legs crossed.Anger built up inside me,this boy needs to be taught a lesson.He is so rude.

"Firstly,Where is your salam(greetings)?,I cooked you breakfast despite my morning effort in waking you up,instead of thanking me for that you are complaining."I said smaking his head thrice.He started running away ,I ran after him.After minutes of running ,I gave up and went to offer prayer and then sleep......Goddd,why is he so annoying?Do all the brothers are like this?He even missed his school today.I'll teach him a lesson tomorrow,I need to sleep first.I thought to myelf.

I woke up feeling refreshed,I sat up on my bed stretching my arms and yourning.I did ablution and offered prayer .Then I ordered food from outside,I wasn't in the mood of cooking today.

After my last prayer,I was studying the same topics which topics professor taught us today,also I had to catch up with the syllabus,cz I didn't went to university for 2 weeks straight.I'll take the notes from our seniors.Aima is herself confused,as she is a fresherman also.I hope all the seniors are not like that jerk king.I thought to myself.

I dressed up wearing a simple olive green shirt with matching pants and contrasting hijab.Me and Rayyan ate breakfast and I dropped him at his school and left for university in my car.(It's not that luxurious but I still love it alot.)
I came out of parking lot and saw the most unexpected person there waiting for me,my dad.I didn't want to talk to him remembering him slapping me twice for that house wrecker woman,so I went in ignoring him,but he was continuously calling my name.

Without even attending 1st lecture ,I was feeeling sleepy and tired.Offcourse,it will take time to adjust to my new routine.
"Wanna come with me to the cafeteria."Aima asked.She didn't took breakfast today.
"No,babe.You go I'm waiting here"I said while sitting on the bench.

"Rania,wake up please.Will you?"I heard someone calling me.I jerked up.
"Why are such a heavy sleeper?"Mahad said,he was angry.Angryy,but what did I do?.Besides,as far as I remember he call me Rooh,no matter how many times I tell him not to call me that.
"What happened Mahad?and Why are you talking to me like that,it's a little rude."I said.His expressions softened.
"You were sleeping soundly here and they....Aghhh forget it."He groaned and balled his fist,then he there his head back,I guess to calm himself.
"Tell me,Mahad"I inquired.
"No,nothing let's go....please don't ask me again"He said annoyed this time.Honestly,I've never seen him like that,he is always calm,but why is he annoyed now?I was curious but I refrained myself from asking.

"What happened to Mahad?"I asked Aima,when Mahad went home,skipping last 2 lectures.
"Don't know,I was at cafe.But I am curious as well that is he  angry this much?"she said.
"Me too"I said while we were walking towards our seats in cafe,holding a tray of pasta.(YEAH,I wasn't in the mood to eat earlier but I just can't say no to pasta). Aima was telling me about another guy in class when unexpectedly someone came infront of me and the pasta tray in my hand fell in reponse.

"Ooooo,Maria's romance got pastafied"Said a girl (sitting on the next table where me and Aima were standing) laughing and the whole crowd of people in cafe joined her.
"I'm so sorry,I'm so sorry"I said to the girl standing in front of me.Her perfect blonde hair was ruined,ketchup dripping from sides.Her face was red due to the pasta sauce.And she was as shocked as I was.
"You did it on purpose,right?You must be one of those girls who can't help but to drool over my perfect boyfriend"The girl supposedly named Maria said to me.
"No,I swear.I was just walking and you came out of no where,but still I'm really sorry......"I said explaining.
"The hell to your sorry,you destroyed my moment"She said,venom lacing from her tongue.Moment,which moment is she talking about? I looked around at my surroundings to find the jerk king,Ibrahim saeed looking back at me.He was leaning by the pillar which was next to Maria.His arms were crossed on his chest and he was smirking at me.JERKKKKK.It was all his doing.

"I'll see you"Maria said and went away angrily.I looked back at him and his smirk grew wider.Godddd,I'll kill him.


Assalam u alikum everyone.
How are you all doing?

I'll be replacing these title pages all at once,after I am done writing,or when I will find all the pics ,matching the scenes in the novel.



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