Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Jake was getting restless. There was no TV or other means of entertainment he could use while waiting for that annoying bastard. He had a mind to just get out of the house, but he didn't want Klaus to chase him down from the first day. There was enough time to observe his surroundings later. For now, he had to admit he was very curious about this insanely rich guy, and his unusual interest in someone like him.

The door finally opened, Klaus coming in with a small box in his hand and a mysterious smile painted on his face.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Jake said defensively.

"And ruin my chances of catching you masturbating?" Klaus twisted his lips as if he could barely keep from laughing out loud. "Come now, pants down."

"What? You said you wouldn't force me!" Jake complained instantly.

"And you will not be," Klaus closed the door behind him and came closer. "You will have to trust me."

"Yeah, right," Jake snorted, while still sitting on the bed with his arms wrapped around his knees. "You took me away from my brother ..."

Klaus raised one finger to stop him. "I believe the correct way of describing the situation is that your brother gave you away. How do you feel about that, by the way? He has not come to bring your stuff, either, although he promised."

"He will," Jake said with a small huff. Yes, it was annoying that Diaz hadn't bothered to come around.

Klaus waited by the bed, looking very much amused. "Just take your jeans off. I promise I will not touch you ... any more than necessary. Do not tell me you are frightened?"

Jake eventually moved. He was really curious about what the man wanted. He was anticipating being touched by the gorgeous man. And he had to prove that he was not scared.

With quick moves, he flipped open his jeans and stepped out of them. He liked going commando; there was no underwear to bother him. He stood up straight, his hands in front, his legs slightly parted.

"So?" he challenged Klaus with his eyes.

The man caressed Jake's cheek briefly, and turning, picked up the box he had placed on the table earlier. Jake's eyes spoke volumes as he saw the object.

"The fuck is that?"

"This is ... let us call it a little more sophisticated model of a chastity belt," Klaus presented the small transparent case in his hand.

"No way," Jake took a step back, but his calves hit the bed.

"Yes way," Klaus said with a small laugh. "I told you I would not have you masturbate on my expense. If you are the stoic you claim you are, although your actions speak otherwise, then what is the problem? Plus, it is not like I will have you running around and mess around with my staff, either. Agnes is particularly off limits," Klaus joked while climbing on the bed and pushing Jake down with a firm hand.

"She could be my grandma, what the hell, dude?"

"Now, Jake, be a good boy," Klaus cooed and reached between Jake's legs to fondle his balls a little. "No harm will be brought to you."

"Like hell it won't," Jake said defensively, although he could feel his eyes rolling in his head, as Klaus's hand was moving. "How am I going to piss? Or wash?"

"I will show you. The belt is designed to prevent you from getting it up, not stop you from relieving yourself. It will be a bit uncomfortable, but doable. You will be able to take showers, do not worry. I will help you should you need help."

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