Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Jake woke up with a head as big as Texas. With a groan, he turned only to smash against Klaus's solid shape. The man didn't seem bothered, his breath calm and even. But Jake felt a sudden rush of uncertainty. The night's events tumbled in his mind, first an incoherent succession of words, until he finally grabbed one end and began to pull slowly.

The club had been nice. Those guys had been nice, too. And he had felt amazing in his own skin. Although he had drunken a bit too much. Those sweet things the guys had sworn by had been treacherous.

He could not clearly remember how he got in bed. Maybe he had fallen asleep and Klaus had carried him. Just how bombed had he been? Apparently, pretty much. He had the distinct sensation that there was something particularly important he needed to remember. Was it something he had done or said? At this point, he couldn't tell, but it was nagging the hell out of him that he could not yet grab that thing.

So, he had felt pretty hot after those drinks and all that dancing ... Klaus had been pretty nice about it all ... Yeah, he could still remember that wicked tongue across his skin, sucking on one nipple ... His cock was stirring only thinking about it. How could he be so hard, after getting one of Klaus's high class blowjobs? Wait, he hadn't. The guy had fucked his mouth instead.

But how on earth had they gotten to that? He could recall Klaus being pretty ready to take Jake in his mouth. Hmm, they had talked or something.

The sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Shit," Jake murmured.

Klaus shifted in his sleep and Jake froze. He hadn't, no, no, no, he hadn't said something as stupid as 'I love you'. What would Klaus think now? Fuck, he wasn't ready for that announced breakup. It was supposed to be months from now. Fuck his stupid mouth!

How was he going to repair this mess? Maybe he could pretend he could not remember anything. Yes, he was going to play it cool. And, now, that he thought about it, he had blurted some other stupid shit, such as admitting to his hidden stupid desire to fuck the guy.

It was unclear, even to him, when and how that thought had come to him. Maybe after they had fucked. He had wondered how it would feel to be the one doing the fucking. But Klaus didn't swing that way. He had been clear about it.

So he had screwed big time, confessing like an idiot, and telling the guy he was going to get it. If that wasn't going to make Klaus to send him back to Diaz packing, he had no idea what could do that.

The only way was to pretend nothing happened. He could not remember Klaus's reaction to everything too well. The guy was a mystery even without making things complicated. And Jake was a complete idiot.

An idiot who blurted out inconvenient truths when drunk. He made a promise to himself never to drink again. It was obviously a dangerous habit. He tried to go back to sleep, but he found it was just impossible.

The first rays of sun found him still staring at the ceiling, repeating in his head, over and over again, that it wasn't true and he hadn't confessed, and that blaming booze was the only trick in the book that was going to work.

By the time he reached the 100th time saying to himself the same thing, he finally fell asleep.


He was pressed against Klaus when he woke up again, one arm thrown possessively over the guy's waist, one leg tangled with the other's. The man ruffled his hair and Jake looked up, only to be threatened to drown again in the blue gaze. He closed his eyes fast again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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