Choosing Sides: Alliance or Horde?

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The Skylanders have seen the stats, the beliefs, the fighting styles, and most of all the valor and honor from both the Alliance and the Horde.

The Mabu have already been placed in both Orgrimmar and Stormwind with a few other races from Skylands.

The Skylanders, however, took a much longer time. Both were so good.

"I can't decide! I CAN'T DECIDE! They're both SO good!" Pinkie Pie yelled out.

"Well, I already know which side I'm picking," Leyla started.

"Really, sis?" Dak asked.

"Mm hmm, the Alliance," she finished.

"Oh," he said.

"Well, if you're going with the Alliance, then I'll go with you, Ley," Summer the Fastfin told her best friend.

"What about you and Winger, Dak? You're both blue," Ley added.

"Actually, Leyla, I'm going with the Horde," he said.

"The Horde? Really?" She asked.

"And since I'm Dak's best bud, I'll join the Horde to make sure Dak doesn't get into too much trouble with his reckless behaviour... like he does everytime," Winger said.

"Wing!" Dak shouted, which got all other Skylanders to laugh and giggle.

"If it's alright with you, King Anduin, can I join the Alliance?" Burple asked.

"Not at all, Burple. The Alliance would happily welcome you within our ranks," King Anduin said.

Cutter, however, felt confused along with a few others.

"If Leyla, Summer, and Burple are joining the Alliance, then I guess...," Aggro started.

Leyla, Summer and Burple started to smile a little.

"...I'm joining the Horde," she finished.

"Wait, what?" Leyla asked in surprise.

"You wanna join the Horde, Aggro?" Summer asked after Leyla.

"Look, I respect the Alliance with their truth and justice, but when it comes to the Horde, anger and rage is a sign of strength. And it's obvious that I wouldn't last long in Stormwind. Because even though the Alliance have some angry Races, I have too much anger, and it will be hard to suppress my rage. The Alliance is cool and collected at times, but the Horde is where I can be free to release my anger. Also, I can learn to keep it in control by learning from the cool and collected, AND honorable Tauren," Aggro explained.

"If you say so. But what about you Cutter; are you going to choose a Faction?" The water dragon asked.

"I'm still deciding," he quickly responded.

"I'm going with the Alliance. What about you, Strongarm?" Bumblebee asked.

"Well, sir, in one of the rules of my training, I have to join you. But I also choose the Alliance because I respect their rules of truth, order, and justice. So... I'm ready to follow you, sir," Strongarm replied.

Bumblebee looks to his right and sees Sideswipe with his arms crossed.

"Sideswipe?" He asked.

"Yeeeaaah, I'm going with the Horde along with Dak, Wing, and Aggro. I mean, I will miss the times I will pull pranks and make puns on Strongarm, but the Horde values freedom. That, is something I value most of all. I wouldn't get much freedom if I hang with the Alliance. And if this desert belongs in one of the Horde territories, then I will be able to practice my speed and become one of the fastest bots in the multiverse. So yeah, I'm hanging with the Horde," Sideswipe replied with reason.

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