A Decision Made

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Genn Greymane was shocked along with Darius, and all other Gilneans, after what they had just witnessed. "You... are worgen as well?" The King of Gilneas asked.

"We prefer... "Tribal Werewolves," but yeah, we are Tribal Worgen as well, your majesty," Jonathan answered. "In this form of mine, I am known as "Rex the Extreme Werewolf," or for a longer term, "Rex the Extreme Tribal Werewolf Pirate," he added.

"A pirate?" Darius asked.

"Yes. But that's more of my adventurous side. In truth, just like you, your majesty, I am royalty, as well, as I am the heir to the throne as future king of the Tribal Wereanimals," he added once more.

"Huh. Then as fellow royalty, I would be humbled if you and your pack join the Alliance and help alongside the Horde to protect Azeroth, Rex," Genn told Jonathan.

"I would also oblige in joining my fellow Lycanthropes to help protect Azeroth, but since the Worgen are an Alliance Race, I believe the Tribal Worgen would join the Tauren and other races of the Horde. So in conclusion, I may be autistic, and get angry most of the time, but I will give my all... for the Horde," Jonathan concluded as he bowed with his right forepaw on the left side of his chest.

The Horde soldiers then cheered.

"The Horde welcomes you and your pack with open arms, Rex. And so do I," Thrall said.

"And to that end, the Tribal Worgen are welcome to stay in the plains of Mulgore, and the cliffs of Highmountain as the Earth Mother watches over you and your pack," Baine added.

"I speak for da Horde and all of the Darkspear, that you be welcome to stay in de Echo Isles, Orgrimmar, and de other homes of the Horde," Rokhan said.

"I speak for my people when I say that we gladly accept your offers," Jonathan replied to the Troll. He then looks to King Greymane. "But if Gilneas is in trouble, then the Tribal Worgen of the Moonwolf Clan will heed the call of the wild to help," Jonathan told Old Wolf.

Twilight was a little shocked that her husband would be joining the opposite faction, but still loves him.

"Wait. Jonathan's joining the Horde?" Cutter asked.

"It would seem so, young Razorwing," Master Eon replied.

"Then sign me up," Cutter said aloud.

Leyla, Summer, Aggro, and most of all, Burple, were shocked.

"You're joining the Horde, Cutter. Why?" Burple asked.

"Don't worry, Burps, we'll still be buddies. But the reason why I'm joining is because Jonathan's joining. He and his brothers accepted me as their equal on a different level when they came to Huttsgalor within our world. Besides, they're my prank brothers. Ain't that right, Rex?" He asked.

Jonathan pounds his right fist onto his left chest pec twice, and pointed his index finger at Cutter while smiling.

"Besides, the Orc members of the Horde are spike fanatics when it comes to their armor, and it just so happens, that I'm a living spike dispenser," He explained.

"Welp, looks like I'm joining the Horde for another reason: to keep you outta trouble," the little Firefury joked.

"I don't believe it, Aggro made a joke, haha!" Cutter laughed.

"Cutter's not the only one. I'm joining the Horde as well because of my big werewolf brother," Skye said as she referred to Jonathan. This caused the green Werewolf to blush a little.

"As your best friend, I'll join the Horde, too," Everest said.

"Me and my siblings will also join the Horde because of Jonathan," Shiny Pteranodon said as it caused Jonathan to blush once more.

"Then let us get you in your tabards. Each one of the two colors represents your faction," Anduin said to all the Skylanders.

To be continued...

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