•Chapter 6•

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~the next morning~

Arizonas Pov:
I woke up alone in bed today, the windows open, the house was quiet and i was confused

as i was waking up, i remembered last night, callie said she loved me... I haven't heard her say that to me in so long, and it felt so good, but i didn't say it back..

after just laying down and waking up a bit, i finally got up stretched, then grabbed a robe that was sitting on the bench against the end of the bed.

i walk out, all the windows are open, there's a beautiful view of New York from every window, I just loved it here so much already

"Hey, goodmorning sleepy head" callie says while making breakfast

"oh, hey! morning" i say with a nervous smile on my face

"I'm making you're favorite" she says as she continues to make the food

"ahh yes, it smells amazing" i say as i walk up to the fridge

as i'm looking in the fridge for a drink, i feel 2 hands go from my shoulders down to my waist,
butterflies. all i felt were butterflies.

i take a deep breath

"you okay baby?" callie says into my ear as she moves my hair away

"y-yup mhm, im good just, just thirsty" i laugh nervously

i grab the drink i want with callie still attached

as i try to reach out my hand to close the fridge, callie turns me around and looks straight into my eyes, then i look down to her lips and back up, she smiles

"i love when you do that" she says before she holds my cheek and attaches our lips

i lightly grab the side of her neck and with my other hand i put the drink on the counter which was behind callie, and then put my hand on her waist, deepening the kiss

she starts to kiss down my neck, knowing that i have nothing under my robe, i slowly stop her and say
"hey what about sofia?"

she laughs "oh honey, it's 12 pm, she's been at school for a bit now"

we both laugh

"oops, i didn't check the time" i look into her eyes and smile

i give her one last kiss and say
"okay, more of this later, im hungry!"

callie laughs and lets me go but doesn't let me walk away without slapping my ass

i look back and glare

Callie's Pov:

"i missed doing that" i wink

she just laughs and heads to the room

while she's in the room, i set the table and put out the food

5 minutes pass and she comes out

"sorry i just put some clothes on" she says as she walks up to the table

"ugh boo that just makes it harder for me to get you naked" i laugh

"oh stop it, let's eat" she sits down across from me and we eat

Arizonas Pov:

"that was delicious, i've missed your cooking" i say to callie as i reach out my hand
she grabs it and we just sat there smiling at eachother

she then let go and i was confused
she started to put the dishes away and i got up to help her

"no no, go sit on the couch, you're probably still jet lagged, i don't need help don't worry" callie says with a smile on her face

"oh, but i'm completely fine with helping with the dishes, it's really nothing, are you sure?" i question her

"yes baby, i'm okay, go on the couch i'll be right there" she smiles and goes back to washing the dishes

i just stand there for a moment and watch her
then i walk over to the room to grab my phone
when i open it i see missed messages from april, so i decided to call her and update her with what's going on

Ongoing Call:

April: hey!!! how are you, we're missing you over here!

Arizona: hi april, i miss you too! i have lots to tell you about what's happening here...

April: oh no, is it not good with you and Callie yet?

Arizona: (laughs) no, the complete opposite, april, we had sex...

April: (gasps) what?!? oh my god!! that's amazing i'm so happy for you guys!!

Arizona: Haha!! yes! i'm so glad, i hope it continues this way, oh also

April: what??

Arizona: she told me she loved me last night.. but i didn't say it back because i was "asleep"

April: oh my goodness, maybe slow it down a bit! don't rush things, you guys have lots to talk about and you have to figure things out before anything goes wrong

Arizona: yea, i know, anyway she told me to come out, i think we're gonna watch a movie or something, i'll talk to you later Apes, love you

April: okay zona, have fun! i love you!!

Call ends:

Life in New York ~ calzona ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora