*Update from THE Author*

356 4 1


Tacos are good.

Yes, yes they are.

Got any grapes?

Okay okay fine I'll stop!

keep going.

Okay so umm hi? Or uhhh bye???

Frfr now

I need a bit more time on this next chapter but it might be good? Or suck idk-

I have indeed started working on the next chapter and it is around 1000+ words but I forgot the number and I'm tooooooooooooooooooo lazy to go and check rn, so 1000+ will work. 🙃

Keep going

Off topic butttttt has anyone ever sat somewhere came up with a amazing story idea and makes it but finds out someone has already done it?

Keep going  |

If so, call 1 800-DUMB-IDEAS today! And save up to 12 brain cells an hour!

I'm kidding! Bye love you guys see y'all next chapter!

Not sure when tho-😶


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