Chapter 5: The Ouija Board

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The next day, Emily woke up feeling uneasy. She had dreamed about the strange occurrences at Walmart again. She decided to talk to her friends about it and see if they had experienced anything similar.

When she arrived at school, she found that her friends had also been having strange dreams. They had all dreamed about Walmart, and they were beginning to suspect that something was wrong with the store.

That afternoon, they all decided to meet at Walmart after school to investigate. They had heard rumors about an abandoned room in the store, and they were curious to see if they could find it.

As they wandered through the aisles, they noticed that the store was eerily quiet. There were no customers, and even the employees seemed to be avoiding them. Finally, they came to a door that was slightly ajar. They pushed it open and found themselves in a dimly lit room.

The room was filled with strange objects: old books, candles, and an Ouija board. Emily had never seen an Ouija board before, but she had heard that it was used to communicate with spirits.

As they looked around the room, they heard a strange noise coming from the Ouija board. They saw that the planchette was moving on its own, spelling out words. Emily's friend, Rachel, approached the board and asked if there was anyone there.

The planchette moved to "yes."

Rachel asked, "Who are you?"

The planchette spelled out, "I am the spirit of someone who died in this store."

Emily and her friends were terrified. They didn't know what to do. They were in over their heads.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps outside the door. They quickly hid behind a pile of boxes as a group of employees entered the room. The employees looked around and saw that the Ouija board was in use. They immediately stopped the communication and told the girls to leave.

As Emily and her friends walked out of the store, they realized that they had stumbled upon something much bigger than they had anticipated. They had come face to face with a supernatural force that was haunting Walmart.

They knew that they needed to do something to stop it, but they didn't know where to start. They decided to do some research and see if they could find a way to cleanse the store of its ghosts.

As they walked away from Walmart, they could still hear the faint sound of the planchette moving on the Ouija board. They knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but they were determined to uncover the secrets of the haunted Walmart. Over the next few days, Emily and her friends delved into research about the paranormal and haunted locations. They spent countless hours online, reading articles and watching videos about ghost hunting and supernatural investigations.

As they gathered more information, they began to formulate a plan. They would need to go back into Walmart and investigate further, but this time they would come prepared with equipment to detect and communicate with spirits.

They pooled their money and bought a spirit box, a device that was said to be able to pick up voices and sounds from the other side. They also purchased an electromagnetic field (EMF) detector to measure electromagnetic energy, which was believed to be a sign of ghostly activity.

The following weekend, they returned to Walmart, sneaking in after hours when the store was closed. They made their way back to the abandoned room and set up their equipment.

As they turned on the spirit box, they heard crackling static and strange voices coming through. They asked questions and listened intently for any responses.

Suddenly, the EMF detector began to beep wildly. Emily shone her flashlight around the room, and they saw a figure standing in the corner. It was a woman in a long, flowing dress, staring directly at them.

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