Chapter 30: Zlata's Return

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Park Barclare's mall was booming with business. Many people came and went. The owner of the mall decided to stop by one night to how well her business was doing. Later that evening, Tara heard strange noises and strange figures walking about. As Tara investigated the strange noises, she saw a figure standing at the end of the hallway. The figure looked like a woman, but her eyes were glowing red. The woman started to approach Tara, and as she got closer, Tara realized that it was Zlata, the God of Bloodthirsty.

Zlata had returned and was looking for revenge for what had happened to her in the past. She was determined to take over the mall and turn it into her new home.

Tara knew she had to act quickly. She called upon a team of paranormal investigators to help her deal with Zlata. The team arrived at the mall and began to search for any signs of Zlata's presence.

They found traces of her energy throughout the mall and followed it to the basement, where they discovered a portal to the demon realm. They realized that Zlata had been using the portal to enter and exit the mall.

The team quickly set up a ritual to close the portal and banish Zlata back to the demon realm. The ritual was successful, and Zlata was banished back to her own realm.

Tara was relieved, but she knew that she had to remain vigilant. She knew that the world was filled with supernatural entities and that she had to be ready for whatever might come her way.

She continued to run the mall and hired a team of experts in the paranormal to help keep it safe. And as she did so, she knew that she was carrying on the legacy of the brave employees of Walmart and their fight against the forces of darkness.

A few months passed, and Tara and her team had kept on working together to make sure Zlata didn't return. A flicker of movement caught Tara's eye as she was closing up. "Who is there?" Yelled out, Tara. No response.  "Who is there?" She yelled again. Still no response. "I ASKED WHO WAS THERE! YOU BETTER FUCKING ANSWER ME!" Yelled Tara. Tara was tired of not getting an answer, so she went off to find out who was at the mall this late. Tara knew that all of her employees left an hour ago.

Tara grabbed a flashlight due to the lights going out during that evening thunderstorm. She left her office and headed down the hallway. As Tara made her way down the hallway, she kept on hearing footsteps behind her. She looked to see if there was anyone following her. No one was there every time she looked behind her.

She had walked to where she saw the mysterious figure when someone called her name. "Tara, come find me." Said a mysterious voice. Tara recognized the voice immediately. It was Zlata, the God of Bloodthirsty. She stopped in her tracks and shone her flashlight in the direction of the voice. She saw a shadowy figure that resembled Zlata standing in front of her. Tara tried to run, but the figure was too fast, and it grabbed her. She struggled to break free, but the figure was too strong.

"Let me go!" screamed Tara.

Zlata didn't respond. Instead, she started chanting in a language that Tara didn't understand. Suddenly, Tara felt a sharp pain in her chest, and she fell to the ground. The last thing she saw was Zlata standing over her, laughing.

The next morning, Tara's body was found lying in the hallway, lifeless. The police were called, and an investigation was launched. But they found no evidence of foul play or any suspects. The incident was ruled as an accidental death.

Despite this tragedy, the Park Barclare mall continued to thrive. But, many employees reported strange occurrences and sightings of a shadowy figure that resembled Zlata. Some say that Zlata's spirit never left the mall and continues to haunt it to this day.

Following the death of Tara, employees kept a watchful eye out for Zlata. They did not know what to do since Tara was the owner of the mall. So they called an exorcist, paranormal investigators, and ghost hunters.  The paranormal investigators were the first to show up. Soon after, the exorcist showed up, and then the ghost hunters showed up. The employees closed the mall early to get the exorcism and hunting started.
The paranormal investigators started off by taking pictures, recording EVPs, and setting up their equipment. The exorcist began to recite prayers and perform holy rituals. The ghost hunters went around the mall with their equipment, trying to capture any supernatural activity.

As the night went on, the team encountered several strange occurrences. They heard disembodied voices, saw shadowy figures moving about, and felt cold spots throughout the mall. The exorcist was able to sense the presence of Zlata, and the team worked together to try and banish her from the mall.

After hours of work, the team was finally able to remove Zlata's spirit from the mall. The employees breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the mall was now free of the evil entity. They decided to close the mall for a few days to cleanse and purify it before reopening.

From that day forward, the mall was known to be haunted by the spirit of Zlata. Employees and visitors alike would report strange occurrences and sightings of the bloodthirsty goddess. But the exorcism and cleansing had made the mall a safe place once again.

A year later, a new owner had taken over Tara's place. Justin was Tara's brother, and he was the new owner of Park Barclare mall. He knew about Zlata and how powerful she was, so he had taken precautions to make sure she never returned. He had set up protection around the mall to keep Zlata from haunting and causing mayhem. He sold talismans to customers and gave them to employees who worked there and who were interviewing there.

Justin had also hired a team of exorcists and paranormal investigators to periodically check the mall for any signs of Zlata's return. He had learned from his sister's tragedy and was determined to keep the mall safe for everyone.

As the years went by, the mall became more and more popular, attracting tourists and shoppers from all over the country. Justin had turned it into a thriving business, and it was now one of the most successful malls in the region.

However, one day, the mall was hit by a massive storm, and the power went out. The employees started to panic, as they knew that this was the perfect opportunity for Zlata to make her return. Justin immediately called in the exorcists and paranormal investigators to check the mall.

After hours of investigation, the team found no signs of Zlata's return. Justin was relieved, but he knew that he had to remain vigilant. He made sure that the protection around the mall was strengthened, and he continued to sell talismans to everyone who entered the mall.

Years went by, and the mall remained safe and prosperous. Justin had turned the tragedy of his sister's death into a learning experience, and he had taken all the necessary steps to prevent such an incident from ever happening again. The mall had become a symbol of strength and resilience, and it continued to thrive for many years to come.

Despite Justin's efforts, Zlata still managed to find a way to infiltrate the mall. She didn't cause any physical harm, but she made herself known through strange occurrences and ghostly sightings. Justin knew he had to do something to put an end to Zlata's haunting once and for all.

He consulted with the exorcist and paranormal investigators who had helped his sister before. They came up with a plan to perform a powerful exorcism ritual to banish Zlata from the mall. The ritual required a lot of preparation, including gathering certain materials and calling upon spiritual entities for assistance.

On the day of the ritual, Justin and his team began the preparations. They set up a protective circle around the mall, made offerings to the spirits, and chanted incantations to invoke their power. As they started the exorcism ritual, they could feel a powerful force resisting their efforts.

But they persisted, and with the help of the spirits, they were able to weaken Zlata's hold on the mall. They performed a final banishment ritual, sending Zlata's spirit back to the underworld.

After the exorcism, the mall was free of Zlata's haunting. Justin made sure to continue to take precautions to prevent any further hauntings, and the mall continued to thrive as a popular shopping destination.

Years went by, and the story of Zlata's haunting became a legend in Park Barclare. People would often come to the mall to hear the tale and purchase talismans for protection. But the mall was no longer known for its dark history. It was now a symbol of the town's resilience and ability to overcome adversity.

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