Big Iron

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Marcus stands up to go after her but Beck grabs his arm, "Marcus... give her some time. Let's head to the armory and get you your stuff."

     Marcus turns as Beck points towards the elevator. The two walk towards the elevator, Marcus watching Kate slip into her room. The two enter as Marcus presses 6 and the doors close. The ride down is in silence until the doors slide open. The two walk a few doors down when they eventually enter the armory.

     "Holy shit Marc, Welcome back!" yells a man wearing a yellow t-shirt with a rubber duck on it and cargo shorts screams from behind the new metal gate in front of the armory.

     "DAVID! I see you got an upgrade," screams Marcus, pointing out the new security door and window.

     David unlocks the gate as the two walk into the room.

     The walls are lined with hundreds of various guns. All DSR facilities are stocked with nearly any firearm that could come to mind. Research facilities are specially supplied for emergencies. DSR armories are far bigger than they appear. The gun wall is only a small percentage. There's a magnetic delivery tube from the closet to a massive moistureless, airtight store room built into the cave wall. Thousands of guns are continually disassembled, cleaned, and maintained by robots so every weapon is checked out better than factory new.

     "You look like shit as usual," Marcus looks down the range, it looks more used than usual. "Is the DSR still testing weapons in the old Boom Cave?"

     The Boom Cave was an underwater cave that the BRASS-2 was built over. The DSR had it drained and shaped to use as a range to test experimental weapons.

     "Yeah, why?" asks David.

     Marcus gestures down the range. "Oh, new "

     pulls four weapon cases from a closet.

     "Well they better use it, we had to drain that fucking tank and reinforce the walls of that shit hole, PLUS add lights."

     Marcus leans against the table in the center of the room as David lays the cases down in front of him.

     Marcus smiles as he opens the first case, inside is a modified stainless steel Remington 870 Tac-14 with Judgment engraved on the frame. The shotgun has a red-stained pump and sawed-off wood handle. The next case is about the same size shorty, inside is a silver sawed-off triple barrel shotgun modified for underwater use, both the handle and grip are made of black rubber. Below the shotgun are two old H&K P11s, the five-barrel pistol was built to fire a 7.62 X 36mm dart electrically underwater. There are two holsters inside, a belt for the two P11 leg holsters, and a shoulder-mounted one for the shotgun.

     "I'll get Parrish to take those to the Aqua deck," Beck says as he closes and moves the case to the front desk.

     The third case, A rare Sig Sauer P220 Sport with rubber grips and a custom trigger.

     Marcus turns his attention to the final case. The case wooden case was stained red and the hinges and carry handles were well-maintained and polished brass. A silver medallion of the Marshall Gunslingers is inlaid in the center. Underneath reads M. Brody, GS-L3V1. Marcus places his thumb on the scanner and the locks pop open. The case opens to reveal a large silver revolver. Marcus's gun of choice, the revolver is a heavily customized one-of-a-kind. The smooth cylinder is chambered in .44 magnum. The revolver is built to handle higher grain ammo, specifically .44 Gunslinger armor piercing or .44 GSAP. The specialty rounds were commissioned by the Marshals for Gunslinger revolvers, there are explosive tips, heavy impact, and armor piercing. The specialty armor-piercing rounds give Marcus's revolver incredible penetration, enough to shoot through most materials, and even shoot clean through multiple armored opponents. The six-inch barrel is blocky and thick for added weight and has been ported for compensation. The frame of the revolver resembles most modern .44 magnum revolvers but the cylinder latch has been made to automatically roll the cylinder out and eject used casings. The revolver has a custom double/single action trigger and hammer. So the user can fire double action like a standard revolver but the hammer has also been extended and shaped to where the shooter can also hold down the target and fan the hammer for quicker shooting. The sights are nighttime fiber optics and are about the only standard part of the revolver. Finally, the grips are rubberized and have finger grooves making gripping the gun very easy. The revolver also has the Marshall Gunslingers marker stamped on the barrel below the muzzle and a small inlay on the grips.

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