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Suddenly Marcus emerges from the darkness and pushes Monika onto the rock flats. Monika tumbles to the ground just outside the silt range. When she looks back she sees nothing. "Marcus!" she screams as she climbs to her feet. "Monika!" screamed Beck, as he and Bryan rushed from the elevator. The two grab her, Bryan sprays sealant into the back of Monika's suit and then they begin dragging her to the elevator. Monika begins trying to break free and screams "Wait! Brody's still in there!". "Don't worry! We'll go back for de kid!" screams Beck. One of the scout drones goes overhead, towards the cloud. "Marcus is unkillable, he'll be fine! We have to get you back now!" screams Bryan, trying to help her to the hatch. Monika looks into the motionless cloud of silt.

As they start getting closer to the edge of the rock flats, they start picking up static "F... Y..! .UCK Y.U! FU.K .OU!". Beck stops, "Marcus?!". "His suit is trying to connect to the scout! I'm trying to boost the range now" says Ryan. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!" screams Marcus. The sound of crunching metal and gargling is coming through his radio. "What the fuck is going on in there?!" shouts Beck, taking the pistol from Monika. "Shit I lost his signal again... he's moving too fast!" screams Ryan. "Find him!" screams Beck, as he starts making his way to the cloud covered silt range. Ryan screams, "Wait! I found him!" as once again Marcus continued screaming from within the cloud. Beck reaches the border and aims into the cloud. "Where's his tracker?" asks Beck. In seconds Marcus's tracker shows up on Beck's display. The dot is flying around the scout drone at impossible speeds. Suddenly Beck hears an explosion in the distance. "Fuck! The drone's offline!" screams Ryan as once again Marcus goes silent.

Beck looks at his display looking for any sign, "Do you see anything from up there!" asks Beck. "No... Wait! There's something big moving right towards you!" screams Ryan. Beck aims into the cloud as static builds up. In a split second a monstrous giant squid swims right over Beck. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! YOU CAN'T KILL ME MOTHERFUCKER!" screams Marcus. Beck turns around to see Marcus wrapped up in its massive tentacles. The squid slams into the side of the station as Marcus repeatedly punches it in the mouth. The only thing keeping him from being swallowed is one of his feet he jammed into one of its massive beaks. The two crash into the station and the ground. Marcus's dive knife is in one of its tentacles, he's been desperately trying to grab. The squid starts heading back towards Beck. He aims at the massive head. Once lining up a shot, he pulls the trigger but nothing happens. Beck tosses the empty pistol and draws his harpoon gun. One of the tentacles grabs hold of Marcus's unprotected arm and pulls him away. Marcus begins screaming in pain as the squid begins snapping his right arm, the bones begin stabbing through his arm and blood fills the water. It then starts wrapping tighter around his leg, crushing the suit around him. Beck runs to one of the pipes on the edge of the drop-off and fires a harpoon into the squid as it passed over. Just as it starts forcing him toward its mouth. Just as they go over the rock flats it abruptly jerks to a stop.

Standing firmly behind them stood Beck. He had not only completely stopped the monster in its tracks, but was holding it in place. The only support being the magnetic boots holding him to the now dented pipe. As the squid stops, Marcus is thrown forward out of its grasp. Broken and near death, Marcus rips the knife from its tentacle and swings it deep into its eye as he shoots off into the station. Beck releases the harpoon gun and the squid disappears into the cave, leaving behind a cloud of ink and blue blood.

Beck quickly run over to Marcus. Bryan opens the hatch and runs to help. Marcus is laying against the wall, his arms and legs are mangled and he's flooding the water with blood. The two quickly rush Marcus down the hatch corridor and onto the elevator. As the elevator starts rising, Bryan unlocks a panel on Marcus's helmet. Once inside he plugs in an oxygen tube then turns a switch engaging an internal seal. After a second, a green light flashes. The elevator finally reaches level six, there's already a gurney waiting inside. Just below his right shoulder is the remains or a torn suit sleeve with a thick layer of sealant. The rest of his arm has been twisted, crushed, and ripped apart by broken bones. His right leg isn't much better. The suit has been crushed into it. The rest is covered in scratches and pressure damage.

Beck and Bryan quickly run over to Marcus. He's laying against the wall, his arms and legs are mangled and he's flooding the water with blood. The two quickly rush Marcus down the hatch corridor and onto the elevator. As the elevator starts rising, Bryan unlocks a panel on Marcus's helmet. Once inside he plugs in an oxygen tube then turns a switch engaging an internal seal. After a second, a green light flashes. The elevator finally reaches level six, there's already a gurney waiting inside. Just below his right shoulder is the remains or a torn suit sleeve with a thick layer of sealant. The rest of his arm has been twisted, crushed, and ripped apart by broken bones. His right leg isn't much better. The suit has been crushed into it. The rest is covered in scratches and pressure damage.

Beck grabs a cutter and begins cutting the rest of Marcus's suit off. In the hatch window is Doctor Thompson, two security guards, and "You two have to be extremely careful with him. He's lost a lot of blood and his vitals are barely reading". As they slowly cut the suit off, blood and hydraulic fluid pumped into the white room. "Does Kate know?" asks Beck. "Not yet" replies Thompson. "Good... Ryan get ahold of Kate and just tell her to meet me in the east observatory". As the bottom of Marcus's chest plate drops to the floor, a massive pool of blood bubbles out. "Fuck!" screams Beck throwing the top of his chest plate across the room. Marcus's chest is dark purple and one of his ribs are poking through the skin below his chest. "Get him onto the gurney, Now!" screams Thompson. Bryan and Beck tie him down to the gurney as the water in the room begins draining. Beck pops the top of his suit and swims to the door. Once the water drops to their feet, Beck opens the door and drags the gurney out into the hallway and helps the security team rush to the surgical room.

Bryan finally climbs out, the floor is still draining blood. A thick stream of blood is flowing from the leg on the ground. He looks around the bloody white floors. As he looks down at his wet and blood stained clothes all he can muster saying is "Fuck me". He runs out into the hallway as Marcus is wheeled into the surgical room. As Bryan catches his breath he hears a voice behind him. "What happened?" down the hall, outside the elevator is Kate. She quickly runs over to Bryan, telling him to "lay down, where are you hurt?". "No no I'm okay, it's not mine" says Bryan, trying to stop her from getting closer to the surgical room. She stops and looks at him, "Then who's... " her eyes lock onto the trail of blood leading to the surgical room. He looks down at the blood leading from the water elevator. Bryan looks back up at her as she slowly begins backing up to the hatch door, "Kate... listen" he says as she looks in. As she sees the blood filled room her eyes begin tearing up. Laying on the edge of the elevator platform is Marcus's top chest plate. As she sees the black mamba sticker on the chest plate she completely freezes.

When she turns to Bryan, her face is full of tears and her whole body is shaking. Bryan slowly walks towards her, "Kate please, sit down". As he places his hand on her shoulder, she punches him in the stomach and runs down the hall to the surgical room. She runs right into Beck. "NOO! Where is he!?" she cries out, as beck tries to pull her out kicking and screaming in tears. "You don't want to see him hun!" he shouts over her cries. "Please! I-I... I can save him! Why won't you let me help?!" she cries in Beck's arms. As the two drop to the floor Kate throws up. Beck rubs her back and tells her "It's going to be okay". Her cries ring through the entire sixth level.

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