False Alarm

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Marcus takes a deep breath as the door slides open and rushes in. The room was mostly dark, the only light was the dim light in the center of the room. Marcus was able to see a shape on the opposite side of the bed

     "On the ground asshole!" A familiar woman's scream rings through the room as they dive to the floor. Marcus lowers his shotgun, "Kate?!"

     Marcus sets the shotgun on his desk and walks to the bed. On the floor is a shuttering Kate. He takes a knee next to her, "Fuck me, don't do that... are you okay?" asking as he sets his hand on her shoulder.

     "Y-yeah.. I think I pissed myself though," she says, slowly turning around and grabbing her chest.

     "Here let me help you up." Marcus picks her up and sits her on the bed. "You know that little watch? It doesn't just track your biometrics, it also tracks you." Marcus takes her hands.

     Kate looks down at him as her eyes begin to water, "I... I wasn't thinking."

     Marcus places his hand on her cheek and gently wipes her tears, "I'm sorry... are you sure that you're okay?"

     Kate gives a smile and grabs his hand against her face.

     "I'm okay I promise, you just scared me." Marcus smiles back still embarrassed.

     *BANG-BANG.. CLANG!* The shutters bang shut and the door locks.

     "Oh shit!"

     Marcus runs to the door, trying to scan his hand.

     He yells "Betty!?" into his watch, but it's been disabled.

     "What's happening?" Kate asks as she makes her way to the door too.

     "Well... I kind of told Betty that if my vitals drop to disable my tech, and hand scanner, and lock the pod... I guess I wasn't thinking about the drop of adrenaline. good news is Cap and security should be on the way." Marcus says walking back to the bed and patting next to him.

     Kate walks back and sits down next to him as he lays back with his legs over the edge.

     Marcus looks up at Kate, "Hey why are you in here anyways?"

     Kate turns and lays down next to him, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay and from the breach and clear you did I'd say you've got a clean bill of health." Kate and Marcus laugh.

     "Yeah... mom's special forces and Gunslinger blood," Marcus says, looking at her fiddling with his shirt.

     "You never told me she was a Gunslinger too? That explains the giant knife and revolver."

     Marcus looks up at the wall, "Yeah, the knife is on the wall over there." He says, pointing at the wall behind his desk.

     The Knife is in a big Leather Sheath and is held up by three hooks.

     "Her magnum's back in my workshop at home. I've been trying to clean it up." Marcus unholsters his revolver, "Mom always preferred the .500s, but since I made Gunslinger with speed, I wanted something faster but she liked it... god, I was like a kid again showing her it for the first time, I was so proud.".

     Kate looks back at him smiling at the wall, spaced out thinking. She slides her hand over to his, bringing his attention back to her. "I bet she was really proud of you," she says sweetly.

     Marcus began leaning in for a kiss when *CLANG-SWOOSH* "GET ON THE GROUND MOTHERFOCKER!" Beck and three DSR security guards burst through the door.

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