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(Decided to rework this book since I fell in love with Danmachi once again.)

Name: Souta Vendetta

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Age: 20

Adventurer Level: 5

Height: 5'10

Alias: Raiden/The Flash

(Short Backstory) He and his sister Suzume were found by Hestia in the streets of Orario, she felt bad for the so she   took them in, he was only 12 at that time. Wanting to repay her, he became an adventurer at the age of 14, his sister also became an Adventurer a few years later when she turned 14. 


Draupnir Spear

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This spear takes the shape of a ring when not in use. This spear is a heirloom from his family, it was said that his grandfather from 5 generations before received this as a gift from an unknown God. He is able to imbued lightning into the spear anytime he wants. 

He also wields other weapons such as a shortsword and a small arm crossbow from time to time.


Unlimited Magic - With this skill, the normal 3 slots of magic are usually not compatible with Souta. He is able to learn more and more magic if you compare to the normal adventurer. 

Spartan Rage - (He is unable to use it if he is not wearing the Draupnir Ring.) A power that the Spear holds, this increases his attack, speed, durability and endurance for 30 seconds, allowing him to go into a rage like state.

Magic: Souta is able to use lightning type magic without any chant except one.

Lightning Bolt - A bolt of lightning shoots out of Souta's hand.

Lightning Burst - This is pretty much a short range version of Lightning Bolt but with much more destructive capabilities.

Thunderclap and Flash - Souta dashes forward with speed the eye can barely comprehend leaving a trail of thunder behind him.

Purple Lightning - An enhance magic that turns the normal blue lightning Souta has into purple. This makes it much more destructive increasing it's destructive capabilities and speed. But overuse of this magic can lead to harmful effects on to the user such as fainting or burn marks.

Golden Lightning Palace - To activate, Souta raises his hands and says the name of the spell. A pillar of lightning will shoot up the sky and create a black cloud, then multiple pillars of lightning will shoot out of that cloud, trapping whoever Souta targets.

Cero - This is Souta's single spell that he needs to chant for. He raises his finger to any direction and as he chants, a small ball of mana will form, it will be followed by a blue aura, and then finally small bolts of lightning will cackle around it. He can use this without a chant but it's destructive capabilities will be lessened by a lot. 

"When the sun sets, the moon rises into the sky. And when the moon reaches it's peak, time reverts to zero, again and again. When there is rain, there will also be lightning, and when lightning strikes, it leaves destruction. Life came from the soil, there are many living things in this world, one different from another, but it's life will eventually come to an end, and it will return to the soil, in the beginning of the Universe there was nothing....... but Zero."

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More information:

Souta wears very light leather armor as he refuses to wear chainmail or plate armor as he believes it will hinder his speed. 

His little sister, Suzume, is a level 2 adventurer. She is 15 years old and uses a shortsword as a weapon. She is also capable to use magic, but unlike her brother she has the limitations of a normal adventurer. She uses the magic spell "Repair" which heals small to medium sized wounds. 

He's pretty much the crush of multiple women of Orario but he decides to ignore it despite her sister saying otherwise. 

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