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"If i'm gonna take you, you're gonna remember it.."

Like an all too vivid dream in which you're falling, you shoot upright with a gasp. The next thing you know is throbbing pain. Your head and ribs seem busy competing on who can make you more miserable. The pain in your battered ribs soon subsides as your muscles unclench and relax. Your hand reaches up, rubbing the area behind your left ear, hoping to slightly soothe the intense pounding in your head. 'Goddamn, how much did I drink?..' You ask yourself trying to put the pieces of last night together. 'I went to commissary, ran into price, had some drinks, and then..' Everything was a blur, too fuzzy to really remember. Well you somehow made it back to bed? Images from your dreams flash in your mind. A conversation? More drinks? You.. Kissed him?.. No there's no way, Price seemed like way too nice of a guy to let that happen. Unable to separate the details from last night from the details of your dream, you pitifully groan, placing your flushed embarrassed face into your palms. 'He probably woke Johnny up to help get me in here' The room itself was pitch black around you. You peeked through your fingers in what you think is the direction of soaps bed as you listen for any movement or breathing. Your eyes focus and you can just make out the faintest sliver of light coming from under the door.

Holding your sore ribs you slowly stand up wincing at your torsos whines of protest as your muscles stretch and pull. Your hand reaches out towards the bed ready to catch yourself as your legs still feel a bit unstable. Food was the next thing on your mind, you didn't eat last night and you were starving. Your stomach however disagrees with you, a wave of nausea hitting you in full force. Taking a long slow deep breath, you focus on not puking all over the room, especially when you can't find the trash can. Staying in and resting sounds like an awfully tempting idea, but unfortunately you had quite a packed schedule. After the wave of nausea somewhat subsides, you begin to cross the room to the door leading to the barracks.

Something solid just clips the side of your hip, sending a sharp pain shooting up your waist. "Fuck.." you hiss, placing your hand on the cool flat surface feeling around before getting even more annoyed. "Did they seriously move the desk?!" You shake your head rubbing out the growing knot on your side and continue walking towards the door. You grab the handle, giving it a turn while muttering "assholes.." Once you open the door the blinding light makes you recoil and shield your eyes with one hand. This hangover was the last thing you needed, especially today. And since when did the barracks have such bright lights? Your hand falls as you squint at the hall around you and make eye contact with a guard standing post. Your stomach drops and your eyes widen as you quickly back up into the room you just left, closing the door behind you. Your hand frantically feeling for the light switch before flicking it on only to be filled with a mixture of horror and embarrassment.

This was prices room..

That wasn't a dream.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" You bury your face in your palms trying to think. On the bright side, you didn't have to go back to the room and wake up to an awkward conversation. But on the contrary.. You stuck your tongue down your captain's throat..

"If i'm gonna take you, you're gonna remember it.."

You want nothing more than to forget it. Here you were trying to hide the fact that you've slept with two of his best operatives, and now you tried to sleep with him. Data was always the math wiz, but even you know that doesn't add up. Your breath catches in your throat remembering your torso. The phrase dodging a bullet doesn't even come close to how you feel at this moment. You can't even fathom the utter chaos you would've caused had he found the bruises. Your face is well past scarlett, instead it's on the verge of feeling like it's melting off.

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