Sexual OffenderMan x Reader (Part 1)

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You were lying on your couch, watching a movie as your parents were out for the week. Your sibling was at (his/her) friend's house, and you were grateful that you got to slob out. You watched Netflix in your room, American Dad being drowned out by the crunch of you eating your favourite chips. Of course you didn't put on some sexy clothes like in all of the stories you read on Wattpad at home alone, that shit got really tight and itchy. Nah, you were a sweatpants and baggy tank kind of girl. You had your hair loose, the (h/l) (h/c) hair slightly tamed from a heavy dose of brushing it. You yawned and looked at the time. 1:48. You stood and went to the bathroom, down the hall. You just had to go to shower, then you could enjoy your night without worrying about getting it over with. You hummed as you looked at the mirrour, studying your darker (e/c) eyes and smiled as you did your usual thing. "This is my face. It's mine. No one else can take it away from me. My (e/c) eyes. They have my own sparkle, and they have my own certain style." Fighting borderline depression, this helped you get some of your energy back in your life. It was spring break, and you had a week to recover from the bullshit at school. You slid off your shirt, and you dropped the rest of your clothes to get to the shower. You turned on the hot water, scratching your hair with your favourite shampoo. You smiled as the suds ran out, the pressure so delightful against your scalp... Until you heard footsteps. You had very sensitive ears, but you could hear them. Being home alone, it was terrifying. You went silent as the footsteps came closer, but they went dead silent, like the movement stopped. You rinsed your hair out frantically from the conditioner, and reached for your towel... Which was missing. You opened the curtain slowly, to see roses on the sink. Everything about this made you a nervous wreck, and you couldn't help but try to sort things out in your mind. This was way too weird, and you had no clue to what this was. You slowly crept out of the shower, and walked to your room, until you were gripped by your wrists and pressed to the wall. You let out a yelp as you slowly opened your eyes... To a white head with only a smile on it. You looked at it with frightened eyes, then confused and worried eyes as it started purring. "So cute...~" You looked at the face with worry, the face coming closer. "You must be (Y/n)...~" You shook a bit, "How did you know...?" "The note your parents left you on the fridhe stated your name...~ Did you like the roses..?~" Your eyes widened. "You were the one that left the roses...?" For some reason, the silence was easier than loudness. "Ah, did you enjoy them?~" You looked away shyly, the face pressed against your neck... And you could hear something similar to inhilation, and you could feel it. "You smell so sweet, and..." You shivered as something cold ran up your neck, "Tempting...~" He pulled away and looked at you, and you felt oddly... Calmed, by the eyeless gaze. You felt something slide over your hips and breasts, and you looked down, to see white tentacles running over your body. You went pale, and your head lifted. "Don't be nervous... It's nothing bad. Just... Relax...~" The sexy, sultry voice calmed your nerves, livened them actually. You blushed, closing your legs awkwardly, but his leg came up and forced them apart, making you yelp in shyness. "I can smell the sexual energy coursing in your veins...~" His mouth formed the words slowly, voice sultry and pleasant as it made your nerves heat up. He let go slowly, growling. "I have to leave, but tomorrow, I will return... But tell me first." You looked at him nervously, "What..?" "The blue rose, or the red rose?" You blinked, then snapped, "This is like the Matrix, right?" He looked confused somehow, "The what?" "The Matrix! You know, where you either choose the red pill where you keep doing whatever your mind begs to do, but the blue one stops everything and it's a big let down?" "Er, it's... Similar." "Then I'll choose the red one." You watched as he gave you a red rose, the colour of blood with the thorns taken out carefully. "I will be back tomorrow, (Y/n). Count on it." He let you go, and you suddenly grabbed his coat. "Wait. Wh.. who are you?" He smiled at you with a slight smirk, "For now, call me your Secret Admirer." And with that, he left, making you feel dazed, and confused.

My first half! The other half will be lemon, but like any good authour, build-up of the story is always truly pleasant. I will write the second part ASAP!

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