᯽ Chapter 14 - Not your body ᯽

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I'll probably use this as a place holder till I find an image- or keep it idk

Warning : As usual blood (Pretty much none) and swearing (aslo pretty much none)

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After entering your room

You decided to check the wound

There was still a bit of blood but the wound looked farley healed up

Then you laid on your bed again staring up at the ceiling

Closing your eyes you let your mind rest

But being in the autobots base it's never peaceful forever

Raf busted into your room

You sat up quickly and looked over to him in a 'what the fuck-' face

"Bee's out of control!" Raf said quickly

"What happened?" You asked

"I don't know but we have to go quickly and stop him!"

"Who's at the base?"

"Just Ratchet and us" He answered

'Huh? Where did everybody go'

As if Raf read your mind he answered

"Everybody else went to deal with other decepticons, but c'mon we gotta go!"

He pulled you out of your bed and you both rushed over to the main room

Ratchet was already there

"Ratchet! Are you okay?" Raf said loudly

"I'm fine"

"More importantly is Bumblebee"

"What happened to Bee?" You asked

"I fear the time spent in Megatron's mindscape is causing him to think like a decepticon..."

"Bee's not a con!" The boy defended

"Agreed, but we need to find out exactly what Bumblebee intends to do with that shard"

Ratchet stopped walking

"The only one who knew of the dark energon was Megatron..."

"Bumblebee has Megatron's memories?" You asked curiously

"Worse, Megatron is occupying Bumblebee's mind"

"What" Raf exclaimed

'Not the first time honestly'

You looked down and then to the others in the room

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