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"Celeste!" the 11-year-old's mother yelled. She took a deep breath, preparing herself to just run through the brick wall in front of her. 'Right, this can't be too hard.' 

"Quickly, or we're going to be late!"

"Yes mother, I'm coming."

She exhaled before running full speed at the wall. Celeste screwed her eyes shut because even if she knew she wasn't gonna crash, she couldn't help the human nature of not. She felt relief as she-

"Bloody hell!"


Celeste clutched her forehead as the boy next to her was doing the same. "Oi! Does your forehead have to be as hard as a brick!" She glared at the boy speaking. "Oh, well I'm sorry I couldn't look through the gate and-" The girl got interrupted by another voice. 

"Cel, is this kid bothering you?" 

She scowled at the voice in question. "I'm fine Draco, you don't always have to baby me all the time y'know? I'm older than you by 9 minutes..."

"That doesn't matter. I don't want you around her again, or my father will hear about this." Draco said, his eyes narrowing at the kid. The unnamed boy snorted, "Who's your father? The Minister of Magic?"

"Lucius Malfoy"


"Well, why am I supposed to care?"

"We're Malfoys?" Draco was starting to get confused. Is this kid retarded? 

"And I'm a Scott, is there something I missed?" Nope, he's worse. He's a degenerate.

"My father still has a high standing in the Ministry, he could fire your parents before you can say 'Dumbledore'." 

"My parents don't work at the Ministry."

Draco grinned. "Can't even land a job as a caretaker? Your parents must be as stupid as you are." He said, laughing afterward. 

The nameless boy glared daggers at him. "Don't assume Malfoy, my parents are normal, or what do you call 'em? Muggles?" 

Shit. Celeste had to interfere now or Draco's gonna start running his mouth about how filthy their blood is. Despite growing up in a zero-muggle tolerance environment, the girl still thought that they weren't bad just because of their blood.

 "A muggle-born too! You just keep getting better and better-"

"Draco! Let's go, we're gonna be late."



Draco sneered at him. "Fine, but you're not gonna get away that easy." Cel grabbed his arm, dragged him to the train entrance, and said with a hard glare, "Play nice Draco.", before letting him go harshly and going to find a compartment.


Celeste soon found an empty compartment and plopped down in her seat with a sigh. Does my brother always have to be so idiotic? Don't get her wrong, she loved her brother way more than anyone else but he's a bloody dick sometimes. She stared out the window until she noticed something, her parents didn't say goodbye to them. Cel frowned. She was used to treatment like this in public, not so much at home. Sure, her parents were scary, but not as scary as they were outside. She always thought that her mother and father favored Draco since he was the Malfoy heir, and treated her like an extra.

 Celeste sat deep in thought before she heard the compartment door slide open loudly. "Excuse me, do you min- Oh bloody hell not you again!" It was the strange boy again. "It's not like I wanted you to find me." she sneered back at him. She was getting sick of his constant insulting. He huffed before sitting down, "Looks like we're gonna have to find peace, 'cause there's no other free compartments." 

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