Astronomy Talks and Music

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"Oi! Watch where you step, Narcissa!"

"Watch where you put your foot, James!" The two always used their middle names when they wanted to annoy each other, as they hated their middle names.

"Isn't that the same thing?... Anyways, both of you, shut up! We're going to get caught! I've heard you two bickering more tonight than I heard Hermione and Ron bicker ever." Harry grumbled.

"Sorry Haz, we love you..." said Cel, batting her eyelashes playfully. 'I love y- Wait, what are you thinking you twat! She doesn't like you, let alone love you.' Harry thought, annoyed with himself. Though he would never admit it, he was slightly disappointed. The boy had a small crush on his best friend since the beginning of second year, but he didn't think she liked him back. He thought she did, until he saw her starting to mess around with students in the middle of the school year. He was sad of course, but he wasn't devastated. I mean, who would want to go for a kid like Harry when there were way better looking people worshipping the ground you walk on? He expected it.

"Be quiet, we're done with the entire thing and now you decide to try and get in trouble."

"You can't blame us Harry, we don't find trouble,-" Celeste said.

"-trouble finds us." the three of them recited their life's motto together.

"I guess it's fun too, so that's a plus." Harry said as justification.

They kept walking until they reached the Gryffindor common room. The trio had just finished charming the students for the prank tomorrow morning. "You guys heading in?" said Atlas when he saw his two friends not following after him through the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Yeah, one sec I just want to grab my record player and get some food from the kitchens. I'm forcing Harry to come with me. Don't wait up for us, but it won't take too long." Atlas smirked, and having a dirty mind he picked up from Cel, said "I see where this is going. Just don't get pregnant yet, I'm not ready to be an uncle." Celeste twisted up her face while Harry blushed. "You're nasty, we're just getting food." Lie.  "We're not shagging. We're 13 for fucks sake!" Not a lie. "I know, I know, no need to get so defensive. Are you on your period or something?" Atlas said laughing until his eyes widened when he realized what he said. "I am giving you up to three seconds. One-"

"Okay I'm sorry, I'll even get you your record player just don't hurt me, you monster!" Atlas yelled, backing away. He said this dramatically, but you could sense the real fear in his tone. Celeste still glowered at him. "Now." she demanded. "Yes ma'am!" squealed Atlas like a first year talking to a seventh year. A few seconds later, he scrambled back the the portrait and said, "Here you go, enjoy you snack.", in a squeaky voice, before slamming the entrance shut. "Thank Merlin, you lot are done! I'm trying to get my beauty rest, not everyone looks like this naturally, you know?" Celeste gave the Lady a small grin. "Sorry Elizabeth, you know how annoying Atlas is." The Fat Lady softened at the use of her real name, since few people use it, or even know it. "Don't you worry dear, just don't try to get caught. Y'know, you remind me of a pair I knew a while back. I wonder what happened to them..." said Liz in a pondering tone. "That's nice, I guess? We'll be back. Let's go Harry." said Celeste, heading to the astronomy tower with Harry and her record player. 


The two laughed as "We Will Rock You" by Queen played on the stereo. "You're joking! Just out of nowhere?" Harry grinned and said, "I know! She started floating like a balloon. She looked bigger than Dudley!" The last part sent the pair into a laughing fit. Celeste took a swig of her butterbeer that they stole from the kitchens. Harry and Celeste were doing their annual Astronomy Tower meet. Every year on the first and last day of the school year, they would sneak up to the tower past curfew to just talk. Harry looked up into the night sky and said, "I don't know a single shit in the sky right now. Astronomy did nothing for me." Cel giggled drunkenly. She was a lightweight, while Harry was the opposite. "I do. I like looking at the family tree and finding the constellation that correlates. Look, that's Draco's." she said, pointing to Ursa Major. Harry playfully sighed. "I don't care about your brother's. Where's yours?"

"Wow, you really don't pay attention in Astronomy, do you?"

"Piss off, just tell me."

"My name isn't a star, or constellation. It means 'heavenly'."

The boy thought for a second. "Like an angel?" he asked. She gave him a soft smile. "Exactly." 'Perfect', Harry thought. 'That's perfect.'

The duo sat in silence before Celeste pointed up at the sky again. "That's Bellatrix, my aunt is named after that star. And next to that one is..." the Gryffindor girl hesitated before saying, "Sirius." Unlike before, this silence was awkward. "This probably isn't the right time, but it's my favorite star." she said quietly. "That's, um, nice." said Harry clearing his throat. In her now slightly less drunken state, Celeste started ranting. "I just think, despite the obvious flaw, that the star is amazing. It's the brightest star in the solar system and it's the 'dog star' and who doesn't like dogs, right? And I mean don't even get me started on the Egyptian origins-" 

"Cel, Cel, I get it. You like Sirius," said Harry, chuckling. "Anymore and I'll start calling you Sirius." he continued teasingly. "If you start calling me a mass murderer, I'll murder you." Harry gave her a shit-eating grin he specially reserves for her. "Whatever you say, Sirius."


thats it for today! this chapter is really short so bare with me, its a tad bit of a filler. see u in the next one!!!!

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