→Rough day at work💠←

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Tw: Shouting, mention of Mental overstimulation

(Set in the Manburg time period)

It was 11:45pm, and Quackity was still at the Office, doing paperwork. He'd gotten at least 10 texts From Schlatt in the last Hour, asking where he was, and he hadn't responded to a single one, nor did he answer the 13 missed calls. He checked the time and Sighed, finally Filling out the last Few Pages.

Meanwhile, Schlatt was at home, pacing and Worried. Quackity never Stayed at the office past 10pm, and he normally Doesn't ignore Schlatt the way he was now. He decided to try calling again, maybe Quackity would answer this time?





Schlatt hung up the call. He wasn't Going to get an answer any time soon. He kept pacing, very, very confused and worried. Had he done something wrong? Was Quackity upset with him? Why was he not answering? He decided to take the edge off with a quick drink. Schlatt grabbed a bottle of beer out the fridge and chugged it, immediately feeling a bit relieved. He didn't want to drink too much when he was Stressing this bad. Especially since Quackity hated when he got drunk. He rinsed out the empty bottle and chucked it in the trash. Schlatt yawned and thought to himself. 'maybe I should sleep.. I don't know what time he'll be home..' He Went over and laid down on the couch. He tried to fall asleep, it taking a good fifteen minutes because of the Stress, but he was able to eventually...

Quackity Finished filling out the last page of paperwork and Placed them all in a neat pile on the desk. He sighed in relief before Realizing it was a 20 minute walk home, and it was already midnight. He groaned and Packed up all his stuff with a yawn, shutting off the lights and walking outside. He walked with a Torch and an Iron sword, keeping an eye out for any lurking mobs, when he bumped into someone. He looked up, terrified, calming down when he realized it was just Philza. "Oh, hello Quackity! You're out late, is something wrong?" Philza asked as he stared down at the tired looking man. Quackity Chuckled softly. "Nothings wrong, Philza. I just had some extra paperwork to get done, now I'm heading home!" He smiled up at Phil, who smiled back. "Alright, well, you shouldn't put too much Stress on yourself, Quackity. If you ever need to talk To someone, you can always come to me." Philza offered in reassurance, to which Quackity nodded. "Thanks Phil, I should Really get home though.. I think Schlatt's worried." He pulled out his phone and showed Phil the multiple missed calls and unanswered texts. "Yikes, yeah, he does seem worried. I wish you the best of luck Quackity, good bye!" Philza smiled widely and waved at Quackity, who waved back with a smaller smile. "See you later Phil!" Then he ran off. It took him a whole ten, frustrating minutes of Walking, defending against mobs and feeling angry and Depressed at the prolonged work day for Quackity to get home. He fumbled with his house keys, which only pissed him off more, so that when he opened the door, he unintentionally raised his Voice. "SCHLATT. IM HOME!" He spoke in an angry tone as he Slammed the door and hung up his keys, throwing his stuff on the floor by the door. Schlatt on the other hand, jumped up from the couch in worry and annoyance from being woken up. He stood up and went up to Quackity, Getting in his face accidentally. "Where were you!? Why were you ignoring my texts and calls!?" Schlatt questioned, only making Quackity more frustrated. Quackity shoved Schlatt backwards and stormed past him, causing Schlatt to whip around. "Alex, WHERE WERE YOU!?" Schlatt raised his Voice at Quackity, which made tears well up in his Husband's eyes as he turned around to face Schlatt. "IF YOU MUST KNOW, I WAS AT THE OFFICE TAKING CARE OF YOUR PAPERWORK SO YOU DIDN'T FALL BEHIND, AND NOW IM OVERSTIMULATED AND FRUSTRATED WITH EVERYTHING, AND EVERYONE!" Quackity shouted back at Schlatt as he started to cry, talking faster than he should have. Schlatt's demeanor Softened and he walked up to his husband, wrapping him up in an embrace. Quackity immediately hugged back and cried into Schlatt's shoulder. "Pumpkin, I just wish you would have texted me so I knew you were okay.. I was worried sick.." Quackity nodded, "I know Schlatt, I know.. I'm sorry.." He hugged tighter, trying to dry his tears. "Here, come with me." Schlatt took Quackity's hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom. Quackity laid down on the bed and Schlatt climbed in next to him, immediately receiving a hug. "Shh.. you're gonna be okay pumpkin, just get some rest okay?" Quackity looked up at Schlatt and was met with a gentle, Caring kiss. A warm feeling filled his heart and he smiled, Caressing Schlatt's head carefully. When they pulled away, they both were smiling warmly. "I love you sugar pumpkin, and I always will. Now rest" Quackity Laid his head back on Schlatt's chest, whispering one last thing to Schlatt. "I love you too honey.." Then they Both drifted off to sleep easily, holding each other close in a warm embrace as they slept.


Words: 897

This was my first ever fluff-angstish chapter I've ever written, so I hope it's not that bad. (Not proofread)

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