→he Stole his first kiss💠←

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Highschool AU
So kinda Has the premise of them being the CC! Versions, so sorry about that?
Fluff💠 (Maybe lime?)
Idk what this is but I like the idea a lot lmao?
Anyways enjoy


It was the last Day Of Schlatt's senior year. He was walking to lunch, Talking to his friends, Ted and Charlie.
Charlie:"have you heard about the party??"
Ted:"yeah man I have"
Schlatt: "I haven't, what party?"
Charlie: "One of the junior's is throwing a party tonight!"
Schlatt scoffed.
Of course it was a junior's party?
Schlatt: "okay? So what? It's a junior's party, it can't be that good."
He rolled his eyes.
Ted: "Dude! It's Quackity's party, That really rich kid."
Schlatt perked up a little bit. He had always wanted to see that kid's house, it had to be a Mansion.
Plus.. Quackity may or may not have been his Gay awakening.
Not that he would ever admit such a thing.
Schlatt: "you're joking? Now I have to go, that kids house must be HUGE!"
Ted: "hell yeah! I cant wait man."
Charlie: "yeah, either of you need a ride there?"
Schlatt: "I do, if you could?"
Charlie: "course, I'll pick you up at six man."
And that was that.
They all went to lunch and proceeded through the Rest of the day.
Schlatt sighed as he stared out the window in his 8th period.
He couldn't sit still, he was way too excited for the party.
The class felt like it dragged on for Hours.
Finally the bell rang and Schlatt stood up faster than he has in a long time.
He practically ran home, Excited to pick out something to wear.
He heard from Ted that it was a Dress up party, sort of like a masquerade.
He didn't have much to wear.
Schlatt wasn't really a fashion guy.
-timeskip again idfk-
It was 5:50 when Schlatt heard Charlie's car outside. He grabbed his mask and His phone and Bolted Down the stairs.
Schlatt: "bye mom! I'll see you after the Party!"
He shouted as he practically slammed the front door shut.
Charlie: "Hey man! Nice mask, you ready for the party?"
Charlie asked as Schlatt climbed into the car.
Schlatt: "Course I am.. and thanks."
Schlatt smiled as Charlie
turned on the Radio.
They drove in a comfortable silence (apart from the music) until they got to Quackitys house. When they
Got there, Schlatt's jaw. dropped. He was expecting a mansion, But Jesus Christ his house is- fucking huge.
Schlatt: "Holy shit dude.."
Charlie just laughed.
Charlie: "I know dude, I know."
The two climbed out of the car and looked at each other. They
Walked to the house together,
Already hearing the Loud music from inside.
Schlatt rang the doorbell, fidgeting with his hands.
Quackity opened the door and
Immediately Smiled at Charlie.
Quackity: "Eyyy, Slime! Good to see you man! Glad you could make it!"
Charlie: "Course man! Dap me up!"
Quackity and Charlie shook hands before Q looked Up at Schlatt, then back at Charlie.
Q: "who's Your friend here?"
Schlatt Inhaled sharply, Kinda Nervous. He was feeling really
Awkward around Quackity for 'some reason'.
Charlie: "this is Schlatt! He was totally excited to Come to the party man!"
Q and Slime Laugh, making Schlatt look away from them.
Q: "awesome! I hope he has Fun, come on in you two!"
Schlatt Laughed awkwardly as He and Charlie walked inside.
Charlie: "Hey! Come get me whenever you're ready to leave!"
Schlatt gave a Thumbs up and a Smile as he walked over to the
Snack bar. He grabbed a cup of Punch and Chugged it, It tasted
Kind of bitter and it Burned his throat, but he loved it. He grabbed another cup, downing that one too. Before he knew it, Schlatt was Drunk and Dancing with people, actually having fun. He spotted Charlie and stumbled over to him.
Schlatt: "Charlieee.. where you beennn? Hic"
Schlatt's slurred words and hiccups already gave away how drunk he was. Charlie just laughed and patted his back.
Charlie: "I've been hanging out with Ted, why don't you find someone else to Dance with?"
Schlatt Laughed Drunkenly and nodded, he stumbled back out to the dance floor. He fell back into somebody, accidentally spilling their drink.
???: "Watch out dickhead!"
They turned around to face each other. Schlatt was met with Quackity's face, Half hidden
By his mask, and let out a drunk chuckle.
Schlatt: "Sorry Cutie~ didn't hic see you there.."
Quackity's face went pink, this guy's voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it with how tipsy and high he was.
Q: "Who're you calling cutie?"
He stared up at this guy, Trying to make out who he was by his facial features.
Schlatt: "you.. don't you like it? Hic would you prefer I call you.. hot-stuff?"
Schlatt Laughed, amused at the nickname. Quackity couldn't help
But laugh a little too.
Q: "maybe I would.. why don't you come with me?"
Schlatt just nodded, Earning a scoff from Q, who had grabbed his wrist and Was leading him upstairs. They got to a bedroom, and a fancy one at that.
Schlatt stared in awe at all the fancy things Laid on Dressers and other places. Quackity sat on the Bed and Patted the Spot next to him. Schlatt stumbled over and plopped down beside him, only to have Quackity climb onto his lap.
Schlatt stared up at Q in shock and awe. This is not where he was expecting this night to go.
In the blink of an eye, Quackity had interlocked their lips, Pulling Schlatt closer to him. It didn't Take long for it to turn into make-out sesh. Schlatt's hands
On Quackity's waist, Quackity's arms around Schlatt's neck, while his legs straddled Schlatt's hips. Things were getting heated
Between the two, and they weren't taking it slow.
Q: "you okay with this..?"
Schlatt nodded.
Schlatt: "yeah.. I'm good.."
Quackity smiled before they went on with their 'activity'.

(I'm not writing that, I'm not feeling it 🧍)
-the next morning-
Schlatt woke up with a pounding headache. He groaned before he opened his eyes and shot up.
This wasn't his room. He looked
Around before he saw someone asleep next to him. He brushed their hair out of their face before he almost fell out of the bed in shock. It was Quackity.
He scrambled out of bed, Stumbling a little bit when he did. Why was his lower body sore?? And Why was he naked???
Schlatt shook his head and Frantically Got dressed. He made sure he grabbed his phone and Everything else before he bolted out of the room, and the House, and ran home. He was lucky his mom was already at work when he got there. When he laid down in his bed, he tried to remember what had happened last night.
He only could remember the kiss
He and Quackity shared. At least, the beginning of it. He shot up
And sighed. He could only hope that Quackity's memory of last night was as bad as his was.


This is actual ass- so mb I guess 😭

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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