Hate that You Left

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I know we have our own lives
But I hate that You left
Maybe it's selfish
and I don't have a right
But I miss you
Being Here

The start of our Year
Was different
I had a boyfriend
And then I didn't
And even though my heart ached
And the sky was no longer Blue
At least in the beginning
I had You

But now I see You
Through a small screen
Our lives set apart
We are on our own paths
Walking where we haven't Been

I Miss your calculated advice
Your heart-warming friendship
I miss borrowing your dresses
And the fires lit in your backyard
The long conversations
about going nowhere

I smile at myself
Hoping You at least
Are getting Somewhere

That you at least
Are close to Joy for many reasons
And someday soon
We might be brought together Again
Despite our different Seasons

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