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The moment I saw you
My heart took a picture
and it locked you inside my soul
The moment I heard your voice
My ears took a recording

Pieces of You
Put together
became a whole

The moment I touched you
Your warmth was like a tattoo
Burning my skin
Right through
The moment we spent time
Together side by side
I thought for sure
There was no one else to confide

So, in my confidence
I looked at You and saw the World
A face I'd memorised,
Became a lesson learned-
A lesson well deserved

Because while you lived
Your own Life
I was writing your name In the Sky
Thinking the Stars
had aligned-

I was running full speed ahead

With only our future in mind,

Thinking you were steady,

Close at my side

I was sure

You were mine

That is until

I looked back at You
To find you were looking at someone else
The Whole Time

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