• Introduction •

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"Good morning students- today we will be having a blood drive in the school gym. You must be 17 or older to participate. In order to raise interest in this event, we have given it a rather spooky theme- vampires!"
I was sitting there slack jawed until I heard that announcement.
Vampire themed.
I just to happen to be notorious for secretly enjoying the idea of attractive vampires sinking their sharp fangs into my neck and slowly taking blood.
But a vampire themed blood drive? What if one of the men there taking blood happens to be my type?
It would be a dream.

EHHHHHHH!! The mundane bell rang.

I get up and collect my stuff. All class I was thinking of that blood drive. I have to go. Something is compelling me. I would be stupid to miss it.
I walk hastily to the gym. Once I'm there, I can see they did a great job at achieving the theme- Red led lights, coffin shaped couches, and cheesy bat decorations. I look around the room at each of the workers. As they talk to their patients, I can see that they are wearing plastic fangs. However, my eye catches on one man standing alone across the room. He makes eye contact with me and I quickly look away, blushing. His figure looked rather perfect. I think of what it would be like to be his patient, if only... "Excuse me!" A scratchy voice behind me says. I turn around. It's an older woman with a plump figure wearing a green knit sweater. "Can I help you?" She says, her tone softening. "Uh, yes! Can I sign up for the blood drive please?" I say. "Of course sweetie. Let me just take some info on you." I give all of the necessary details and she promptly stands up once I am finished. "Come right this way." She says, smiling. I follow her hoping to end up where that man was. And once we are close to where he is, I realize that he will be the one drawing my blood. My brain screams a silent victory as joy rushes through my veins. This is going to be so much fun.

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