Cardboard Box

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Garcia: Hotch, hypothetically speaking, if someone hypothetically hacked into our system how much hypothetical trouble would I get in?

Hotch: A lot.

Garcia: On a scale of one to fired?

Emily: Probably thrown.

Hotch: Depends. Was the hacking caused by an open case?

Garcia: Hypothetical. But no.

Hotch: Sure.

Derek: Babygirl I think you are in a lot of trouble.

Garcia: False alarm, always fun to have your fbi boyfriend hack your laptop during work hours.

Hotch went offline

Derek: Oooooh shiiiit.

Emily: Someone's about to be thrown.

Garcia: You think he can lift him?

Emily: Hotch is pretty strong.

Reid: Garcia you haven't seen Hotch shirtless have you?

Garcia: You have?

Derek: Damn pretty boy.

Reid: No questions. But my statics say you should be pretty worried about Kevin.

Rossi: Reid's not wrong.

Emily: True.

Derek: What's it with everyone seeing Hotch shirtless??

Reid: You haven't?

Derek: You think that's weird? YOU HAVE.

A loud thud was heard from the outside

Garcia: ...What was that?

Hotch came online

Hotch: A cardboard box.

Reid: From what I saw it was too loud and too fast to be a cardboard box.

Hotch: Kevin was in it.

Garcia went offline

Rossi: This is why I go to church.

JJ: I need everyone meeting room in 5 minutes.

Derek: Make it 3.

Rossi: I'm across town, make it 7.

Derek: I do not give a shit, 3.

Garcia: Are none of you worried about the fact that my boyfriend got thrown out the window?

Hotch: It was a cardboard box.

Garcia: HE WAS IN IT.

Hotch: So what? The hospital is 3 minutes away. That gives you 3 to drop him off, 3 to get back, and 1 to exit and enter. I've done more in less.

Garcia: You kick down peoples doors all day, I sit and watch a million screens.

Derek: I kick down doors, Hotch is too old for that.

JJ: Guys..

Emily: On my way.

Reid: Simp.

Derek: Still think it's funny Emily?

Emily: Fuck off.

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