Triangle Drama

411 11 16

Garcia: Hotch.

Hotch: What?

Garcia: I'll have you know, my coworker, SSA Derek Morgan, is playing jokes with me.

Prentiss: And you felt the need to share it to the entire groupchat?

Garcia: Yes. So you can see what a person he really is.

Rossi: What did you do this time, Morgan?

Morgan: Hey hey, what about my side of the story?

Garcia: Deemed irrelevant.

Morgan: Objection.

Prentiss: Overruled.

Morgan: I am innocent!

Prentiss: The court has heard your statement, and choose to ignore it.

Morgan: I didn't even do nothin.

Garcia: You told me to find the workplace of a "Joe Mama", THAT IS BULLYING.

Morgan: I do it all the time with Reid.

Rossi: There's a difference between what Reid and Garcia are into.

Reid: Can we not bring up my private life?

Hotch: Morgan, watch your attitude, and stop bullying your coworker.


Rossi: Calm your horses Aaron.

Hotch: It's 6 am, i have a day off, and you guys choose to wake me on a SUNDAY MORNING, AT 6 AM.

Morgan: I think we got the point that it's 6 am.

Prentiss: Are you sure now?

Garcia: I'm gonna do some ✨destruction✨

Hotch: Jesus Christ, Good Night.

Hotch went offline

Garcia: Jesus dude.

Morgan: My head hurts like shit rn.

JJ: Well, what did you do last night?

Prentiss: Probably Reid.

Garcia: JJ where did you come from.

JJ: My kids are awake.

Rossi: I think your point with Reid is accurate.

Reid: I do not.

Rossi: So you decided to switch it up?

Prentiss: So is Reid screwing Morgan or is Morgan screwing Reid.

Reid: No one is screwing anything.

Morgan: I am.

Reid: God I am gonna crush you.

JJ: Spence has a PhD in chemistry, I would watch your back.

Prentiss: He has explained to me how he would get rid of a body, Morgan.

Hotch went  online

Hotch: Stop talking about murder and people screwing each other is 6 am.

Prentiss: Go to bed old man.

Reid: I don't understand how Prentiss talks to Hotch like that, and she isn't dead yet.

Rossi: ...

Garcia: Oh my god

Reid: What?

Garcia: This is one of the first times you've verbally expressed you don't understand something.

Reid: Oh

Garcia: Okay so option A: Hotch is in love with Prentiss.

Prentiss: He's not.

Hotch: ...I'm not.

Garcia: I saw that '...' of yours.

Reid: But my sources say Prentiss is in love With JJ.

Morgan: What even are your sources?

Reid: My homegirls.

Prentiss: I am neither in love with Hotch or JJ.

Garcia: Option B: JJ and Hotch are BOTH in love with you.

Reid: GASP

Garcia: Triangle drama!!!!!

Hotch: Everyone stop, go to bed.

Morgan: Reid's yoga lesson starts in 40 minutes.

Reid: Can we stop bringing up the fact I do yoga?

Morgan: no.

Reid: Morgan still calls him mother 'mommy'.

Prentiss: Well you call him 'daddy' so I don't see your point.

Garcia: ew

Rossi: Stop, stop, stop. Everyone just STOP.

Reid went offline

Morgan went offline

Garcia: Don't 'stop' me.

JJ: ...nowww

Prentiss: Cause I'm having a good time, I'm having a ball.

Rossi: Christ.


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