Everyone Loves Reid

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Morgan: Why wasn't Prentiss in today?

Prentiss: Aww, you care about me?🥺

Morgan: I did not say that.

Prentiss: Well fuck you too🙄

Morgan: Someone got your panties in a twist?

Garcia: You're actually disgusting.

Prentiss: Since you all care about me, I've got the flu.

Rossi: Poor baby, need us to come with a warm blanket?

Prentiss: If I could, I would've put ants in your bed by now.

Prentiss: Red ants.

Rossi: Well fuck you too, I'm being nice and this is what I get?

JJ: You're not being nice.

Prentiss: My throat is literally so sore, I can't speak.

Morgan: Someone fucked your throat too hard?

Prentiss: Ew no, I don't like dick.

Morgan: Understandable, tastes weird.

Prentiss: Excuse me???😟


Rossi: They've literally fucked on a case, y'all are surprised? Grow up.

Morgan: What he said.

Reid came online

Reid: Good morning!

JJ: You're up early.

Reid: It's 5? Why are you up?

Prentiss: We're bout to go to bed.

Reid: Sorry about your throat Emily, a spoonful of honey should help.

Prentiss: See Rossi? This is being nice.

Prentiss: Ily Spence<33

Reid: :D

Morgan: Yeah well the kid is so damn pure, I had to explain a blowjob to him.

JJ: I repeat, TMI.

Hotch came online

Hotch is typing...

Prentiss: Well I invoke the fucking fifth, peace.🫡

Prentiss went offline

Hotch: I can't believe we're considered the best unit.

Morgan: Fr though, I don't wanna see the worst unit.

JJ: Did he just..?

Rossi: Dolce Gesù... he did.

JJ took a screenshot

Morgan: ???

Rossi: You agreed to something Hotch said, outside of work.

JJ: I am baffled.

JJ: Utterly baffled.

Rossi: This is life changing.

Garcia: I agree, I'm completely shook.

Hotch: I swear to fucking god I'm gonna arrange another seminar.

Garcia: Hoooootch:(

Hotch: I'm babbling to Strauss about you guys.

Morgan: GoD wHaT aRe YoU, a SiMs ToDdLeR?¿?

Prentiss came online

Prentiss: LMAOOO

Hotch: You're all a bunch of toddlers. Grow up. All of you.

Hotch went offline

Prentiss: Hotch is kind of dilfy

JJ: I see it ngl

Garcia: I can't see it.

JJ: That's because you're only attracted to men who try to shoot you.

Garcia: come on that was ONCE!

Morgan: JJ, that was mean, apologize.

JJ: 🙄

Prentiss: Jenifer.

JJ: Come on, when you do it it's fine?

Prentiss: That's because I'm funny.

JJ: Excuse me?

Morgan: I'll pray for you Emily🙏

Prentiss: Oi fuck off.

JJ: Oi. You need a bo'o'wa'er with that mate?

Garcia: You're mean, JJ.

JJ: I'm funny.

Prentiss: No you're not.

Reid: She's funny.

JJ: I literally love you, Spence.

JJ: At least someone cares about me

Prentiss: Now that's just unfair.


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